Is there a way - SN to printer

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Greg Moeller
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Instead of delivery to an email address, is there a way to configure a smart notification to deliver to a printer? Any help would be appreciated, -Greg
Matthew Nye
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Greg, I know this is a repaeting theme with me when responding to your questions but... Why? By design smartnotes was made to be online rich content that actionable from a dashboard or email. Reporting Services always filled the gap of printed transational and historical statements. I think I could come up with a hair brained scheme but it would probably make more sense to do it with RS.
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Greg Moeller
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To tell you the truth, Matthew... I don't know why. I was just asked if it could be done by the gal that designs all of our smart notes. I said I'd ask here. I'm guessing that they are NOT wanting a blank piece of paper printed out if no data qualifies on the printer.... as would likely happen with an RS solution... but if something triggers the notification, they'll want a print. But that's just a guess on my part. The gal that was asked to do this probably won't be back until Monday... but I'll check with her then.
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At first blush, if I was going to McGuyver something to make that happen, I'd consider setting up a dedicated email address and juryrigging something for that address to print off anything sent to it rather than trying to trick Smart Notes into doing anything special. Email -> Printer gateways is an issue that already has solutions that can be as simple as having special Outlook rules set up ( ) to setting up an *nix account and having a cron job periodicly pull and print emails ( http://www.jasonellison.n..._printer_gateway.pdf ) It might not be optimal, especially given you don't know what the purpose is. But on the face of it - it does look like it'd be the quickest, least painful, direction to go.
Greg Moeller
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Thanks for all of the responses!