Share a challenging or interesting Smart Note

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I've built many Smart Notes, primarily for data integrity checks for HR, payroll and benefits. Everything from one as simple as finding all employees who have not taken mandatory training classes, to a notification to the payroll rep that an employee has not yet cashed a paycheck that is approaching 60 days old. What I am asking for in this forum is for my fellow posters to offer-up one or two of their most challenging/interesting Smart Notes. Share the business need that prompted the request and the manner with which you devised and built your solution.
David Williams
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My most challenging note was to compare last years benefits enrollment with current year to send an email to each user letting them know they needed to update their benefit selection.
David Williams
John Henley
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Great idea!
Thanks for using the forums!
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Thanks John, here's one of mine: I was presented with this challenge: Find all employees in a terminated status who are still logging sales in the company's POS system. The company has a very transient employee base and has a business practice of automatically placing an employee into a termed status if they do not get a paycheck for 2 bi-weekly pay cycles in a row. The District Leader is to be notified if any termed employee is ringing sales. Solution: Two infosets; 1) Current HR11 Employee Status 2) Weekly Sales by Employee (POS System). The first infoset pulls all employees in a termed status, (Live up-to-date data from the Lawson application tables) includes their employee number, nick name, last name, job title, store number and district number from the current HR11 data. The second was a little more difficult. The sales data is extracted from the Company's POS system on a weekly basis and put into a data warehouse. The 2nd infoset pulls this weekly summary data, but only the employee number (if sales exist). Then, a second table in the data warehouse is populated by an ETL process from the Lawson application to 'marry' to the POS employee number, the employee's current store number, district, etc. This is done in the SQL of the 2nd infoset. In order for this comparison Smart Note to work in the Notification condition, both infosets have to have identical fields; data type, field names, etc. Setup of 'Condition': Termed Status infoset "has same items" as "POS sales infoset". The result is a list of all Termed Status employees who also occur in the POS Sales list. The result is then burst to the appropriate District Leader. The district number is included in the infoset and is used by the bursting feature to build the DL's email address ( This lets the DL know that either someone was rehired without the proper rehire paperwork process, or something like: an employee was on an approved leave, and that leave paperwork was not done (and got termed). Anyway, the status gets corrected and everyone is happy again. This happens weekly to keep the employee status properly updated in the system and make sure everyone gets their paycheck.
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The one I have been working relates to grants management effort reporting, I have a high level smart note that is burst by only my records in GMEFFORT table, once i click on my uncertified effort for the month, a detailed smart note of all the work effort I had during the month (basic root cause analysis). From there thought I am automating the process to certify, so I coded links to the form GM12.2 should I need to change my effort from 20% on grant A to 30% on grant A. Another link is to automatically populate the effort on the GM12.2 form based on what was charged, and one more link to change the certify flag to Yes while date/time/user stamping the action. I am still working to combine 1-2 of those links into 1 easy button link to add / certify in 1 click. The links and bursting are the keys to this one that took a while to build and test. But once I demoed it to the users, then they realized SN can do more than just pass data to them like a report. I think that is the power of the SN.
Ruma Malhotra
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One of a smart note that I have written is to compare the budget in AC to the actuals and commitments and then to report back on the remainder budget comparing it to a threshold as to whether it would be negative ffor the year or positive which means that it would be sufficient for the whole year.