SN Charting parameters and options

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Does anyone know of a complete listing of the various charting parameters and options for charts in SN?  I have looked in the Smart Notification User and Admin Guide (Appendix B), and searched the Lawson KB, but I haven't been able to find a comprehensive list. Specifically, I am having trouble finding a way to show the labels for all of the x-axis vales on a horizontal chart. Even some of the seemingly standard options (such as colopt#=, which I have finally figured out is what columns to include in the label) are not documented anywhere that I have found.  Any help would be appreciated! Nick
Matthew Nye
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what version are you on?
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We are on LBI 9.0.3, SmartNotes is, ChartFX 6.2.
Matthew Nye
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So as youve already found out SN uses a 3rd party charting Engine. I have nt delved much into the charting parameters but I remember trying to do exactly what youre looking for and not having much luck. I think the best source would be ChartFX support site. Although Im not sure if Lawsons naming convention is directly associated to ChartFX's. Wish I could be of more help. I assume you didnt find anything of use in the SN admin guide?
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The SN guides didn't offer much help, at least for what I was looking for.  I did try the ChartFX  site, and I don't think the naming conventions match (the colopt name in Lawson doesn't pull up any information on the ChartFX site.)  Thanks for the replies to the post.

Matthew Nye
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This may not be what youre looking for but what Ive done in the past to make up for the short fallings or just my ignorance with the charting engine is to create the chart in a crystal report. The initial view for the end user is an SN then each line has a customized link that opens in another module or window the crystal report. Of coarse if you are emailing your notifications this doesnt help.
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I finally found something on KB that has a listing of some of the parameters.  KB article 551848 lists some of the parameters used for sorting, formating, and column information.

Ruma Malhotra
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For a default chart output the headings on the X and Y axis are not showing up. For e.g. The chart is for Total Amount and Vendor Name which are the titles on the X and Y axis which is not showing up if the default chart output type is set up. Am I doing something wrong in not including the titles?
Ruma Malhotra
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In addition to the labels on the X and Y axis is there a way to show additional fields on the default table if the fact is a calculation.
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Sad to say, we have experienced the same problem.  Lawson's respsonse was simple.  It does not handle independent X- or Y-axis labels.  They recommend we put in an enhancement request.  Even though this is something most chart capable products provide.