SN no sending mail anymore

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Ellen Bats
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We works with the user lawson in Smart Notes. All the settings are down for this user. Device type is activated and works great. Today we want to change the mailaddress by the Device Type by this uers. We get the confirmationcode in the mailbox of the user and we confirm the code. We get the message that the confirmation was succesed. We process one INFOSET to look of the new mailaddress was working. However nothing happend. We change the mailadres back to the original one and confirmed this. Process again an Infoset but nothing happend. The user do not receive any mail.

When we look in the activity we saw that there are several errors regarding the mail. We get error Unable to resolve casacade for device E-Mail.

Does someone know how we can solved this issue ?
Matthew Nye
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Hard to trouble shoot this kind of error without being on the system but my intuition says the problem is probably related to your InfoSet if the confirmation emails are going out. I would try creating a very basic InfoSet with just one or two records and an email address. Create a notification that bursts based on the same set up you have in the notification that is triggering the error. If the test one is successful you know you need to take a closer look at your InfoSets/Notification set up.

I have run into catastrophic failures of the bursting system (and SmartNotes) when an InfoSet had records where the email address was set NULL or empty and I was using the E-Mail category. Because of this, I always make sure to eliminate records with empty or NULL emails from my bursting InfoSets. Not sure this is your problem but something to look into.

If any of my answers were helpful an endorsement on LinkedIn would be much appriciated!
Ellen Bats
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Posts: 21
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There is also an option in personal settings Device Type for Cascade. The setting is None. Must this be changed ?
Ellen Bats
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Posts: 21
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We get the advise from Lawson to create a new delivery device for the user Lawson. After we have created this and changed the delivery device in the Smart Notification we process the INFOSET and now it is working.