Two recipients for a single SmartNote email

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Steve Erdman
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I frequently hear the complaint, "I didn't get that SmartNote". Sure, I can go into the delivered history and produce a screen print of which SmartNotes were sent, the dates and the recipient's email address, but I cannot view the *content* of what was sent (which would also be great if anyone knows of a way to do that), nor can I say that the email was actually *delivered*. Sure, I can use a UNION query in the Infoset and produce two separate rows and two separate emails with the same content, but I still cannot prove that the first email was delivered or what the content really was. So one thought was to concatenate two email addresses in the email address of the Infoset, the second email being a separate departmental Inbox that's open to a group of administrators. This would give us an archive of the delivered content and also a little higher degree of confirmation that the email actually came all the way through. I could say, "Well, here's exactly what was sent and you should have received it if your address is valid and you haven't flagged the sender as spam or built any Outlook rules." But I just tried this concatenation in a few different formatting combinations (separating with a semi-colon, comma, spaces or no spaces) and the SmartNote does not deliver. Anyone have an idea? Sure would be great if there was a cc: field available in the bursting....
Katy Prince
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Not that this is the best way to do this, but what if you sent it to one specific email address and set up a rule in that email box to auto-forward to whomever you want?
John Henley
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Have you tried using an email alias, and assigning multiple users/addresses to the alias?
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Steve Erdman
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Thanks Katy and John for your replies. Let me give a little more context. This is in a health care setting with about 6,000 employees where we're using SmartNotes to remind them when required clinical certifications or licensures are about to expire. 99% of the time the functionality LBI gives is adequate to respond to the complaint that they never received the reminder, but I'm looking to do several things: A) make it easier for others in HR (who don't have LBI administrative privileges) to browse what's been delivered and to who, B) be able to physically generate what was sent without having to ask IT to get involved with our Exchange Server, C) minimize Exchange traffic. I like your idea John if it was a small group of recipients who were all allowed to see the same email, but each one is specific to the employee, and if I'm understanding you correctly, the other problem would be scaling this to 6,000 people and maintaining the aliases. I like your idea Katy, assuming I can write some VBA to dynamically forward the email to the final-destination-email-address embedded somewhere in the SmartNote's content, but I'm not sure I could trust the Exchange server and my code-writing as much as I trust LBI to get it through directly on the first pass. I was hoping that maybe I could query the LBI back-end for the data. I mean, if I can "redeliver" a SmartNote, everything must be saved in a table somewhere. We've got a "SNUSER" schema and I can run this simple query, filtering as needed: SELECT * FROM SNUSER.EMAILHISTORY; It has a "EMAILCONTENT" column that returns "Blob not fetched" with each row, but as I'm simultaneously typing this and Googling, I see that my SQL editor (Golden32) may have an issue displaying that data. Maybe I can successfully go down this path and periodically dump the contents out into a location others can search. Still not quite my dream solution, but a little better!
John Henley
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Posts: 3351
I think i understand what you're trying to accomplish, and agree that 6000 aliases isn't going to work In the bursting setup, there is an option to 'deliver to recipients and copy to devices...'; you could set up a "device" that has an email address, like That would effectively cc: that email address for each notification.
Thanks for using the forums!
Steve Erdman
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AHAH! Now we're talkin', John! I'll explore this and update the thread when I get it to work. I believe you're referring to the Notifications Wizard, step 3 Delivery, in the "Select a delivery option" dropdown, choosing "Deliver to the recipients and copy to devices selected on Device tab" after I've configured the new device. It all looks very straightforward. Thank you!
Steve Erdman
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Aw shoot - this works perfectly except for one thing - the result is the same as if I add a UNION to my Infoset's SELECT and create an additional row for each record with the secondary email address I want the SmartNote to go to. Two *separate* emails are sent, rather than one with the secondary email address in the cc: line of the email. So close!!! Otherwise, this is a more efficient database hit than a UNION if I want additional recipients of the email - and I do have the benefit of searchable.SmartNote content by non-administrators, so I think I'll move forward with this. Any remaining claim that the SmartNote was undelivered to the intended recipient is better defended. Thanks again!