EDI TXI Segment in 810 Transaction

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Hey all, 


We're having issues with vendors that are sending taxes in the 810 TXI segments instead of the SAC02 segments where Lawson is not picking up that value and we're getting the a message from MA126 of "Tax out of balance".  The only documentation I could find on this is in the Cloudsuit documentation which theoretically should work on Version 10 based on KB Article 1449847, this functionality was introduced in version 9 back in 2013. 



This table shows the generic entry for mapping TXI segment to AOC.

Field Value Comments/Examples
List name L1_TAX_TO_AOC
Your value AOC CODE
External value tax type code in TXI01

So this is what we have in our Substitution Table: The assumption is all vendors that have a value of "ST" in the TXI01 field should process that as an addon cost. 

List name- L1_TAX_TO_AOC

Your value- ST

External value- ST

We do have the AOC code setup in MA08.1 as "State Tax"

Here is part of the 810 transaction where based on the documentation, should process this tax as an AOC. At least that's how I understand it. 







Is there anything that I'm missing that is preventing Lawson from applying these segments and throwing the invoices out of balance? 

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We don't have to deal with state tax here but it doesn't look like you're missing anything to me. What does the MA540CSV file look like after the 810 is processed?
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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Did you set up ST as an Add On Cost Code?

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Hey Guys, I actually had figured it out a couple days ago but just hadn't had time to update the thread. Unfortunately I don't have any MA540 data to share to show the problem for anyone else that runs into it. The problem was in the substitution table, the external value needed to be "TX" and then relate that back to the MA08.1 record (ST). It was actually kind of a pain to notice because we only get taxed for a couple vet locations that we buy for and that's really only once every week or so. Here's an example of how I made it work. List name- L1_TAX_TO_AOC Your value- ST External value- TX It's actually a little counter-intuitive because the TXI01 segment comes across with the value of "ST" or "LS" and typically that's what you put in the external value of the sub table for SAC 02 codes.
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Counter-intuitive yes. Doesn't seem to follow the rule at all. I did find the code in the laws_inb_91_la4010 file that handles this routine. ##### 810 INVOICE ROUTINES ##### ##### sub process_TXI { print_calling( $TRACE_LEVEL, \@_ ) if $TRACE_LEVEL; my $segment = shift; my $level = shift; next if ($loop eq 'SAC' && $substitutions->{'MAP_AOC_TAX'} eq 'N' ); my $aoc_code; ## see if there is a TAX_TO_AOC record $aoc_code = $substitutions->lookup( $tpid . '_TAX_TO_AOC', $segment->[1] ) || $substitutions->lookup( 'L1_TAX_TO_AOC', $segment->[1] ); if ( $aoc_code ) { create_AOC( $aoc_code, $segment->[2], $level ); return; } ### default through to processing as tax ### if tax_as_aoc not set or aoc_code not found if ( $level eq 'SUM' ) { $sum_tax = $sum_tax + $segment->[2]; } elsif( $level eq 'DTL' ) { $line_tax = $line_tax + $segment->[2]; }
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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Hey John, 

Thanks for throwing that up here. I'm not sure I have access to view that or where I would be able to. 


I do have a new issue concerning this subject though; now that we're processing the tax in the TXI01 segment we're running into a new error in MA54 where we get the message "Add on cost total amount cannot be zeroes" if the vendors send a "0" for the tax amount. 


I put in a ticket to Infor and they said that this is normal behavior, but I also added the substitution table record below in an attempt to remap the tax. 






here's the raw 810 data:










It actually applied the tax to the AOC tab, but left the amount field blank, so the substitution table entry seems like it's working correctly. Does anyone know if we can avoid this or is it something that we need to tell vendors not to send tax if there's "0"? 



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Because you need to transfer the tax amount to AOC when there is

an amount you can't really do anything with the substitution tables to correct this. I think you'll have to ask the vendor if they can change this on their end.

Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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Yeah, that's what Infor said too. I was just curious to see if anyone had found a workaround. It looks like for now we'll be doing an addins query and accompanying upload to delete those aoc lines. Thanks for the insight!