Month-End IC/GL Difference

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Hello everyone,

Lawson newbie here. Not sure if this is the right thread to post this in, so I will move it if there is a better place. I am the systems analyst at a medium-sized children's hospital in California, and have been learning the ropes for the last 6 weeks or so. I happened to be hired on during a major investigation into a growing gap in the values of our inventory (through IC234) and the corresponding GL account. The IC234 value is consistently higher than our GL account. The differences (rounded) over the last 6 months are listed below:

Nov-16: $-24,800 Dec-16: $-10,500 Jan-17: $-68,200 Feb-17: $-68,900 Mar-17: $-67,000 Apr-17: $-137,200

As you can see, the changes have come in large spikes. It appears as though the MMDIST table and the GL align exactly, but we are still getting a drastically different value. We used to use IC24 for adjustment, but stopped that practice in January. This appeared to stabilize our issue, until April hit.

I am still pretty new to Lawson, so any help that you could give into the process of posting an IC transaction to the GL or what may be causing our issue would be greatly appreciated and would save us from a major issue. Thank you so much and have a great day!

If you have any questions, I will answer them as best I can!

Kat V
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On MMDIST - does it show anything other than IC transactions? I don't know why IC234 would be HIGHER but the IC234 is showing you the value of your stock on hand qty * the average cost (assuming you are avg cost) for either the transaction date you run it or the post date you run it. For month end, we run it for transaction date of month end immediately after the IC190 closes IC. This creates a snapshot of what your IC value was. On the GL - it may be showing postings from AP and PO - which is why our GL can be higher than our IC. It will also show any journal entries. None of that is part of IC234. If your company set ups allow it and the GL stays open longer than your IC - it sounds like issues are occurring after month end with a GL post date of the prior month. This drops the GL balance ongoing but the IC234 is the "snapshot" of the close value?
Jay S
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We’re a large healthcare enterprise with many Inventories.  Our daily process is to run IC130 at the end of the day (near midnight) followed by the IC233.  Reconciliation between GL90 and the IC233 at that point should be very close (pennies or low dollars difference due to rounding). 

In our experience most differences between GL and IC are due to user errors.  Common issues include users Issuing Inventory (in or out) to either another Inventory or to itself (this would mean the Inventory is also built as a Requesting Location with RQ01 Accounting info populated).

One method to troubleshoot is to run IC220, export to csv and look for IS type transactions where the INV_ACCT_UNIT and INV_ACCOUNT are the same as the OFF_ACCT_UNIT and OFF_ACCOUNT.  This scenario causes a net zero hit to GL while the IC appears to be correct.

Another issue is users manipulating IC142 created Requisitions by adding a Non Stock item.   This would cause a hit to GL but not to the IC.

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Was this resolved - I am having the same issue.
Kat V
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They never replied back - but when you look at GL90 for the period do you see any other system codes besides AP?
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We actually recently resolved the issue on our end. We had a bug that needed to be patched out with our ICRECEIPTS table. There were two items that had been adjusted in at an incorrect cost a couple of years ago; when we credited either of those items back into inventory, they were allocated to the old ICRECEIPTS "unused quantity" in IC47 rather than creating a new ICRECEIPTS record. We applied the patch from JT-803852 (InforXtreme) and it solved the issue for us. To track down our problem items, I ran (as an example) an MM280 report for April, and compared it against the difference in IC234 valuations from March to April. Ideally, the sum of the MM280 transactions for the latter month for each item should equal the difference in inventory value between both months. We were a large discrepancy between the total transaction value reported on the MM280 and what our overall difference in valuation was. I hope this helps!