Setting Up and Using Two Perpetual Inventory Locations

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Hi all!

My inventory during the Pandemic has grown by leaps and bounds and has forced "overflow" inventory into a second holding location.  We have our main Store Room and we have a secondary location for overflow located on the 7th floor of our building. (Which is set up as a Par Cart) 

Current state is:

New stock arrives

Items are received in MSCM

Necessary stock is taken to location in the Store Room

Overflow is taken to the 7th floor

Quantity, Lawson Number and Description is written on a sheet of paper

Information is entered onto an inventory spreadsheet

Paper is then scanned to the inventory control team.

Inventory control team transfers from the store room to the 7th floor par cart.


Is there a current best practice.  This just seems way too complicated and wasteful to me. 


Thanks in advance!!


Kat V
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Posts: 1020
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We started utilizing multiple bins and hold bins for this.

Basically you want all the bins on the 7th floor created with a bin type that will allow receipts and not issues.  

So on IC12 the preferred bin is your normal bin and the hold bin is the 7th floor bin.  Screenshot attached.

When a PO is received - it will receive into the preferred bin.  For example 100 boxes to bin G5.  Only 10 are staying in G5 so we use IC26 to transfer 80 boxes to bin HOLD7A.  As reqs come in to pull stock - it pulls from G5.  When G5 runs out - it will create a pull for HOLD7A to refill G5.  You'll have to work the WH32 - but it works.

