Unable to release capital po

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Donna Simkovic
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Posts: 25

I included a word document with screenshots of the issue I'm having.

I have a capital po that is assigned to an activity that is not over budget, based on everything I can see, but it won't let me release the PO because it claims it will PUT me over budget, but it won't.

  • The original req was entered for $132,847 as an X-type
  • The Po was built like the req was, $132,847 as an X type
  • The line was received as an X-type for $132,847
  • The first invoice came in for $70,914.
  •     I reduced the line to the amount of the invoice
  •     I added another line to cover the remaining value and listed it as an Amount Service so we wouldn't have to request a receipt
  •     the total of the PO is still the same, $132,847
  • I am not able to release the PO.  It says I'm over budget by $132,846.91
    • This is $0.09 difference from the amount of the PO
    • There is $0.09 remaining on this budget (see attachment)
  • When I drill around on the first line, that the invoice paid against, it says the line is not closed
  • When the line was received it was received for the full amount, would that have anything to do with this?

Please review my attachment.  Hopefully that will help explain this.  Thank you