Can't log into MSCM Admin Tool

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This morning I can't log into the MSCM Admin tool, not even with the mscmadmin login.  Application support says it looks like all ids are inactive including mscmadmin.  Everything was fine on Friday.  Anyone know what would cause this and how to fix it?


Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
Ben Coonfield
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Did you log on to MSCMADMIN (upper case)? Positive you have the right password? There are various things that could cause this for other IDs but most of them wouldn't affect the MSCMADMIN id.

Next I would get a dump of the USERS table in the database and look at the contents. Is MSCMADMIN there? Is the status "A"? (It should be). Inactivated users should have an I in this field.

Which release are you on? Do you log in via the portal or directly? Are handhelds still able to connect successfully?
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It's been such a long time since I'd used the admin login I'd forgotten that it had to be in CAPS.  I was able to log in with MSCMADMIN and when I view all the users the status is "Inactive" for all but MSCMADMIN.  We are on v. and I log on directly to the NT server via IE (not sure if that's what you mean by "directly").  Par uploads are working fine even though the users that are doing the uploads show inactive.


Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
Ben Coonfield
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You should be able to reactivate them but it is mysterious why they would show as inactive. Perhaps the adapter ran into errors trying to get user information. I'd read the mscm_server.log for clues and try reactivating the users.

You can set it up to log on via a bookmark in the Lawson portal. Or, you can log on directly to the server where mscm is installed without involving the portal at all which sounds like what you are doing. Direct login is simpler technically (less to go wrong) but some people find logging in via the portal convenient because you can use the same URL for both.
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The logs show the user CALL kicks off, but doesn't complete.  I've tried to reactivate my own user id but when I search for it I get "No users were found" and if I leave the user id field blank hoping to get a list of all user ids, the only one that comes up to modify is the MSCMADMIN user id.



Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
Ben Coonfield
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The adapter communicates periodically to get a list of all the web users known to the Lawson back end. It saves these results in the table called lawson_user. So when you go to the activate user function, or add user from portal, mscm does not send a query to Lawson to get the list at that time. Instead, it refers to the saved list in lawson_user.

Look at the lawson_user table, and you will probably find it to be empty. This is refreshed regularly, and if it is empty then the query is returning no rows for some reason.

If you are on LSF, it only returns users who are members of the group which is specified in the line in the I haven't seen this documented but that is the way it works on my system. (I'm running on AIX now.)

Look for a line in your server log with something like:
About to import --> 'USER'
This should appear periodically. It may be followed by an error message and if so that is probably the root cause of your issue. For example, you could have a authentication issue with the user id that mscm uses to send the query. (The one specified for lawson.username in your file).

If it is followed by something like
DELTA calculation completed in 0 seconds for table :LAWSON_USER

Then Lawson thinks the query worked ok (although it may have returned zero rows).

Look in for the group name, then check in Lawson Security Administrator to see what users are members of that same group.
linda phillips
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I have the same problem, we were fine yesterday and not fine today. I get database is currently unavailable.