Determining Days of Stock on Hand

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Hi All!  I hope this is an easy question...

As we are experiencing massive amounts of items on backorders and items not being delivered, is there a report to run in Lawson that calculates the number of days of stock (per item) we have left on hand?  Can Lawson tell me based on the daily usage of an item, I have X number of days of inventory on hand?  Example...  if I have 100 items on hand, can Lawson tell me the number of days on hand of each item?

Apprecaite all your help!  Stay Safe and be well!


Mike Bernhard
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The answer is easy but nit one you will want to hear Unfortunately the Lawson Supply chain product management team never really invested in reporting. The good news is that the “Lawson Addins for Microsoft excel” tool allows you you to easily create queries that can be manipulated to achieve what you want (as an end-user). Despite the lack of standard reporting out of the box I find that if you take the time to learn to use the Lawson Addins tool, you end up with a much stronger solution then having a discrete number of reports that you can run from menus Alternatively a custom report could be created to achieve what you’re looking for
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Thanks Mike. I do not have access to the Addins tool. I have tried in the past, but was never successful with getting it to work correctly. I noticed in IC44, this data is calculated. Seeing that, I was hoping it was available in a report. I appreciate the help.
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That's unfortunate that you haven't been able to get Addins running. It's been a very useful tool for me. 

I think there's been ERs for this in the past but Infor hasn't addressed it.  Seems it would simple to add the calculation to IC145 (Stock Status Report).  During this pandemic we needed a way to view days on hand for critical PPE.  I used Crystal to create this report that calculates average daily use over the past 21 days and divides current allocatable quantity by the ADU to get the days on hand (Stock Out Days).  Another field adds the days on hand to today's date to display the date we'll be out of stock based on the ADU. 

Since LawsonGuru doesn't accept .rpt files I've attached the file as .txt.  Just change the extension back to .rpt to open in Crystal.

Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
John Henley
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Den, another option/technique that I use when something is calculated on a form but not available on a report is to turn to process flow. With a little ingenuity you can create a "poor man's report" version in process flow, by querying a table for the desired values (i.e. ITEMLOC for a given location perhaps), then calling IC44 in an Ags/Tranaction node for each item, saving the desired form values to a CSV file, and then emailing yourself the results.
Thanks for using the forums!
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I had to do something similar - the users requested that the calculated data on the IC44 form be displayed in a report. I did an "invoke" of the IC44 within my custom batch report program and then grabbed those calculated fields and displayed them on the report.
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Hi Mike , I have a similar requirement to get " Inventory on hand  (e.g. Perpetual Inventory Listing (point in time report obtained to support the inventory balance at a point in time))"  details through a SQL query.

Can you help me which tables we need to use to get Inventory on hand details?

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The Item Loc  ITEMLOC table has SOH stock on hand qty, along with ALLOC_QTY allocated quantity, ONORDER_QTY.  You can link that with ITEMMAST Item master table for item desctiptions. 


Mike Bernhard
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Hi Sreekanth, The tables you want are ITEMLOC (primarily) and ITEMMAST (to pull in descriptions and other data from item master). For those without table access (via Toad/ODBC/Addins), the IC233 and IC234 are standard reports for inventory valuation and the IC223 is great way to access ITEM AVAILABILITY data

Mike Bernhard
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Den - The formula for calculating DAYS ON HAND = divide 365 by the TURNS. For example, 365/10.5 = 34.75 days. Or, if you prefer to think in terms of "weekdays" rather than "calendar days" you can you 260/turns. I hope this helps. Also, I have a document I can share that shows some simple options for gathering key management metrics for inventory management in situations where you do not have table access such as Addins. If you want a copy, email me at Cheers! Mike
Mike Bernhard
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Anyone know how I can attach a document here? I recall others doing this in the past.
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Thanks Mike!  I would like to see that document.  Any help and tips would be apprecaited.  I have sent you an email. 

Kat V
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To add attachments, you have to Add Reply - not the quick reply in the thread -  and then use the Attachments option under the Submit button.

Mike Bernhard
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Thanks Kat.  Attachment made.

Kat V
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Thanks Mike! Attachment stolen.
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This was a huge help! Thank you everyone!