Exclude Items from a Requesting Location

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Example: Our CSP department orders oxygen tanks from our Respiratory Department.  The Respiratory Department orders (and accepts the charges for) the tanks from the warehouse and then delivers them to CSP.  CSP would like to be able to use RQC to order tanks directly from the warehouse while subsequently charging them to Respiratory.  Respiratory will approve this action if we can assure them that CSP will be unable to order anything else under their cost code.  We can set up a new Requesting Location that is exclusively used for this purpose, but how can we set it up so that CSP is unable to order other items under Respiratory's account?
Michelle Wetzel
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You could setup a template with CSP as the participant. Each item in turn can be coded to a particular cost center and account (Respiratory) and coded to come from the warehouse. When CSP orders, they use the location specific template for respiratory tanks and the order goes to the warehouse under their requesting location and charging respiratory. Templates are setup on PO15.2.
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Thanks Michelle. We thought of all that. Problem is, not EVERY tank that's requested from the warehouse is charged to Respiratory - only those requested by CSP. So we can't hard code at the item level. We created an "oxygen" template for use by CSP, but what's the keep them from selecting "Catalog Search" for other items? I can only see where we can limit the method at the Requester level, but that's not an option.
Michelle Wetzel
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Terri, When I said item I actually meant the item on the template. You can set up the coding for each template line to go to a particular accounting unit and account. If you had a particular person who only ordered these tanks, you could restricts their access to the catalog search on RQ04 by only choosing templates but that obviously wouldnt work in they needed to order more. Because of a similar (in reverse) situation, we actually don't use the catalog search. We have an ORP physical inventory that the catalog search keeps wanting to pull out of - since we don't issue from that warehouse, it created all sorts of problems for us. We use templates, templates and more templates. I have templates for each of the warehouses, a nonstock template and individual department templates setup. In our setup, if someone has access to order for a cost center and orders something they aren't supposed to . . .it's up to the approver to reject the order. Sorry - wish I could be of more help. Michelle
Kat V
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I would do it with the req approval process flow - we have something checking the punchout costs for one of the vendors. In this instance I would make it say if the cost center = Respiratory and requester = CSP and item not on template, then reject and close workunit.
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Thanks all. I've got a workaround until we get Process Flow up and running. I appreciate all your help.
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We've found that it's unnecessary to take a lot of precautions against staff charging supplies to other cost centers. Our IV solutions are charged to Pharmacy and several different forms are charged to U/S, Radiology, Lab, etc. We have to open these cost centers to many requesters so they can order them. In the 10 years we've been on Lawson I've seen no instances where staff has abused this access.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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Thanks Jon. I was thinking along those same lines but the powers-that-be wanted me to find out if there was a way to limit the access. I'll use your post as a means of letting them know that it is possible to give open access without any ramifications. Thanks again to everyone who helped me with this.