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Hello, we have recently started uploading GTIN's to our item master and I am trying to create a SQL report to validate the information. The problem I am running in to is the IC11.7 field that the GTIN is put into does not seem to exist in the ICITEMGTIN table that a Cntrl+Shift+O reveals. Cntrl+Shift+O shows that the GTIN as a text string is located in ICITEMGTIN.GTIN-A. The Addins Upload that we use to populate the information is also pointed at GTIN-A. In the actual table and in Addins query however, all I am seeing is a field called GTIN. GTIN is numeric so it trims the leading zero's. I need to find where this GTIN-A field is hidden so I can pull the GTIN's as text and retain the leading zero's for verification purposes. If anyone knows where this GTIN-A field is actually stored I would really appreciate the treasure map