Inventory Valuation for non-perpetual location

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Bev Edwards
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Is anyone willing to share how they process Inventory Valuation for non-perpetual location? We are currently running Crystal reports to pull in the pricing, UOM, etc. We then export the report that our GOR staff use as count sheets. Any help would be appreciated! Bev
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We don't anymore but when we brought on another health system they did end of year inventories in Radiology, Cath Lab and OR. We continued the process for a couple years. What I would do to help was to create a spread sheet of items they had purchased in the last 2-3 years including description, mfg item and cost. I would add a couple columns for QOH and UOM and make an easy to follow count sheet for the staff. They would return it to me with counts for the items that they had and I'd plug the quantities into the spreadsheet, calculate the totals and send the file off to Finance.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
Kat V
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We have a third party vendor count the non-stock locations and end up with a hybrid. I have a query that calculates the cost per stock uom (we only have one company and one price file line per item), this and usage report are turned over to the counters. The auditors then grab random lines and ask us to verify pricing. This year we were also asked to verify our conversion ratios.
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Similar to what you have done: we created a couple of reports: one for IC81 and another for PO15 (a few places like DI use a shopping list to organize their items). The reports have a valuation cost (etc) and are used as count sheets. IC81 uses average cost from the replenishment location, followed by last match, then vendor agreement cost, whichever comes first. Same for PO15 count sheets: last match, then vendor agreement cost.