Lawson Integration

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I would like to integrate Lawson System Foundation and Lawson Application to push the

Contract file, Item Master file, Vendor Catalog file into Lawson system and retrieve

Item Master, Invoice History, PO History, Vendor Master from Lawson System. Gurus please let me what is best way to develop a solution?

Greg Moeller
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For the pushing and pulling, take a look at the SC5xx programs. Where SC is the system-code. For example: We use a modified form of IC527 to push the Item Master. and MA540 to pull in the invoices.
Amanda Valcik
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You may even want to consider using the MS-Addins to make the upload process easier in terms of formatting into the appropriate file format that the xx500 series load programs require. Atleast this would be the easiest for the item master, vendor master, contract file...any infrastructure files really.
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Thanks Greg. I am new to Lawson, pardon my ignorance. Basically lawson got System code programs which is basically a cobol program to push or pull information. Example IC527 is a cobol program used to push Item master into Lawson system. is it possible to call this system programs (IC527) from an external program?
Greg Moeller
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Sure, it's possible. You'd have to create a job within Lawson first.. but then it's just: $GENDIR/bin/lacobrts lacobrts $LAWDIR/product-line/obj/IC527.gnt product-line user jobname 1 I think that will get you close....
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Thanks again Greg.  Where can i find more information about the corresponding system code for Item Master, Invoice History, PO History, Vendor Master, Contract file, Item Master file, Vendor Catalog file like IC527 for Item Master. Please point me to place where I can get more information. 
Greg Moeller
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It could come from your very own system... If you have Add-Ins installed. Open up the 'Database Tables' section... click 'Next' and select your product line.. they are all laid out before you. Or look for my dbdoc post from a couple years ago... if you are on Unix, you can create web pages with all of that information in them.