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Bev Edwards
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Is anyone using MSCM POU?

Any feedback on this or where I can find set up documentation would be cool.



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Where are you with POU now? We are in the process of setting this up. Still in test and loading data. Thanks, Scott
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I'd love to know if anyone else is using it as well.  What do you like and do not like?  How was implementation?  What are the pitfalls or headaches it causes for you?  If anyone has any documentation like Bev mentioned I'd love to look at it.  Haven't been able to find a lot of info on this but maybe that's because not a lot of people are using it.
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GTIN and/or UPN are required for use if a scanner is to be useful. The docs are not very good for loading the data. Many errors to get through it. As far as where the documentation is, look in That is where I found the correct ones that match our version. As new items are added to IC11, they also must be added to POU through addins ONLY. This one is a killer. Lastly, you would think that there would be a set of generic reports that should be available. Nope. Completely blank.
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Has anyone implemented POU and GTIN? How do both go hand and hand? In issues when scanning?
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Would love to identify POU for Nursing clients and how they configured their locations. If using a workstation, par locations are required which are set-up on IC81 and then a RQ04 and IC12 are created by Lawson. Maintenance can only be done on IC81, so how do you maintain IC12 record? We have a botched set-up where the IC12 par location was removed and a like perpetual location was set-up. The pull activity in the par location has no relationship with the IC12 perpetual location. So what was the point in setting it up this way? This implementation seems to be incorrect. Can't replenish IC12 as the POU pulls don't decrement SOH. What am I missing?
Kat V
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IC81s pull from the IC12 defined on their header. So I create IC81 Location: KAT and it pulls from IC12: STOCK. IC81 auto populates: RQ01 and IC12 for KAT. IC12 for STOCK is maintained like any other IC12 record. IC12 for KAT is maintained only on IC81. I can go to the RQ01 and setup address, account info and approval routing - but that's about it. I can only maintain it from IC81. If something sporked that - you'll need to use the mass par changes on IC331/IC82 or via the paint screens IC99.2 etc. When your POU workstation sends - it should be acting like a refill req from POU Station KAT and create the pick for STOCK that allocates/decrements etc. If when your POU sends and it only allocates, you likely need to look at setting up a WH132/WH190 to get the SOH to drop. This is what our Pyxis essentially does.
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The way the system was set-up is that the IC81 Par location (KAT) and the IC12 (STOCK) defined in the header represent the same physical supply location (KATSTOCK).  That is not feasible of course.  The IC12 for KAT was deleted. I don't believe that impacts par levels.  I get that when POU performs a pull it's performing a refill request, but what job is used to replenish KAT.  IC141 is used to replenish a location, but would MSCM Par be used for replenishment?  The KAT refill requests are what is missing in this situation.

Kat V
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Yes - you're missing IC83 - it's what the MSCM handhelds are actually filling out. It creates the RQ10 record which in turn eventually works its way to the WH130. The WH130 is the pick request from KAT to STOCK - it can either be closed out manually on WH32 or with the WH132/WH190 jobs. To replenish the warehouse from the vendor can also be IC140 or IC142 but there's no way to "count" a replenishment order.
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I understand the use of IC83 to create the requiisition (WH130, etc.) for those items needing to be replenished. However, if I set the Par Replenishment schedule on MSCM Point of Use for Nursing, does that schedule perform the same process as IC83, and create the requisition? or does it create the allocation for WH130?  The replenishment process is not clear at all in POU for Nursing.  There are no steps as to what the Par Replenishment schedule produces or what activity the Pending Count Confirmation is expecting to be done once you've selected those items to Replenish Now.

Kat V
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This is where I get vague as we didn't actually go with Lawson POU. But yes, IC83 count equivalent was my understanding when we looked at it - but it's what would need to be tested. It was explained as an aggregate - "how often do you care?" The connection out to Lawson was described as a req - which would have to come as a count from MSCM. Yes - they come as reqs against stock, which automatically creates the allocation and will produce a pick ticket when WH130 runs.