Vendor ship to account number

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Currently we only have one account number listed in AP10 for a vendor. Is there a way to have different account/ship to numbers per vendor, based on what ship to location we are using on PO20 header?

David Williams
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No, the work around is to use vendor contacts to store your different account numbers but then you have to select the contact on the PO.
David Williams
Michelle Wetzel
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I wish there was a better way.  We have 27 internal companies and each of those could in theory have a different account number and ship to.  We use AP10.2 to store the account number and don't store anything in AP10.  AP10 is basically a shell for the pfroms and remit tos that are created for the different account/ship to combinations.

Then, on PO20, you choose the pfrom that corresponds to AP10.2 and the correct account feeds in.

My problem comes with the 27 companies - I have to have 27 pfroms created for each vendor just in case we might need to use it.

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Are you looking to have this value populate on a purchase order?
For fax and printed orders, we use the vendor locations (AP10.2, tied to PO10.2). Based on our build hierarchy, we assign one or more vendor locations to a particular IC Location. It certainly increases the complexity of the maintenance (exponentially), but it does work. For EDI order, the ED40 translation table takes care of the issue.
I can exand on this if you think it would help,
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This is the primary function of AP10.2/PO10.2. For instance, we have our primary medical supplier, vendor 6025 and a vendor location code built for each of our medical centers with the different account numbers tied to each.

Vendor 6025, Location MID1 = Midland account
Vendor 6025, Location CLR1 = Clare account
Vendor 6025, Location GLA1 = Gladwin account
Vendor 6025, Location ALM1 = Alma account

You can go further with this if you have a vendor with multiple divisions that require a different account with each division.

Vendor 310, Location MID1 = Midland account for J&J Healthcare
Vendor 310, Location MID2 = Midland account for J&J Clinical Diagnostics
Vendor 310, Location CLR1 = Clare account for J&J Healthcare
Vendor 310, Location CLR2 = Clare account for J&J Clinical Diagnostics
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
David Williams
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Please don't use Purchase From Locations for this - it's a nightmare to maintain, especially if you have EDI
David Williams
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We have the additional requirement of bringing in the transmission method into the mix. So for a particular location/account, we might have one location that is used for fax, one for printing it out locally, and one when the requester/buyer doesn't want to print it out at all. We are also starting to investigate e-mail transmissions, so that may add another order of maintenance. So, yeah, it gets really ugly really quickly.
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Thank you for the information/replies, I appreciate it.
(We currently are using the ED40.1 substitution tables for our EDI vendors and that works well)
I will try adding a P-from for the vendor(AP10.2), we have never used that option but I see your point on how it could become very messy, and does not look to be 'automatic' (having to enter the P-from for ea PO needing the alternate ship to account number?).

I will give this a try today, thank you
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I guess if you have a lot of ship-to locations/accounts to maintain it could be a problem. We only have 4 medical centers and then a few minor affiliates that may or may not get a PF location code assigned. Most of our supplies come through the medical centers and are delivered via our courier service. So it's not that difficult for us to maintain.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health