AGS call from .net to Lawson 9.0

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John Polito
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Before we upgraded to Lawson 9.0 i was able to do AGS call from my .net web application.
I am now having security issues, can someone tell me the process now to pass the username and password in to the Credentials. Also i'm getting an error on servlet/ags saying that the servlet is not found.

If you need more info just let me know!

John Henley
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Posts: 3351
You need to use a Java API to make the call ... see the LSF9 document "Doc for Developers: IOS Application Program Interfaces" chapter "Authenticating Programmatically to Lawson".
Thanks for using the forums!
John Polito
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Thanks John, I will take a look at the doc and see if i can figure this out.
If I have questions I will post back to this thread.
John Polito
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OK, now can you tell me why my ags isn't working.

John Henley
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For Env 8, need to either use /cgi-lawson/ags.exe -or- /servlet/ags

For LSF9, need to use /servlet/Router/Transaction/Erp
Thanks for using the forums!
John Polito
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Thanks again John that worked great!
John Polito
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John since you seem to be the expert in this process I have another question.

I am trying to do a PA52.1 through this process and I get my inquiry to work OK but when I go to post the change it is saying that I haven't done the inquiry yet. Do you know by chance how I can get it recognize that the inquiry was done?
John Polito
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John here is my http string;

John Henley
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PA52 is a tough one, particularly if this is your first foray into AGS calls. You need to populate HK (hidden key) field as well as perhaps some new fields prefixed by ORIG- (e.g. ORIG-COMPANY, ORIG-EMPLOYEE). See Lawson KB article 556226 for info on using Addins; you would do the same thing in AGS (since under the covers, Addins is really just AGS calls...)
Thanks for using the forums!
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Hey, I have a question about developing an application that can connect and execute an AGS call on Lawson 9. My question is whether or not it's doable through .NET (somehow interacting with java) or anything...
John Polito
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Hi jangins101,

I have written a VB.Net application that creates a number of Personnel Actions and connects to Lawson to apply them.  It is tricky to do so if need any help let me know.

John P.

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I actually do. I am completely stumped in trying to integrate a app to Lawson. We have a number of console applications that need to integrate with Lawson, and I've done everything I can think of with no luck. If you could help, it'd be greatly appreciated.
(Note: the applications are actually written in VB6, but can probably be simply upgraded to VB.NET, so a method for either of those would be appreciated.)

John Polito
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Ok, explain to me what your trying to do, and what you have gotten to work so far.

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Well, waht I've been trying to do is use the .NET HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse objects to make a call to the sso/SSOServlet using some POST parameters including the ones I found on the acual logon page. (and most importanatly the _ssoOrigUrl field). However, when I try to get the response from that particular HttpWebRequest, i get an error, 500 Internal Server Error.

That's waht I've done so far. Now, in the end, the entire purpose is do have a VB.NET windows/console application that will generate an AGS call, and then execute that call with Lawson, and get back the XML response, (For example, an AGS call performing an Inquire). That's the ultimate goal.

Thanks for the help!
John Polito
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OK here is how i am connecting,


Public Overridable Function SubmitPAtoLawson(ByVal http As String)Dim mainReq, LoginReq As HttpWebRequestDim cred As NetworkCredentialDim mainResp, LoginResp As HttpWebResponseDim qryReturn As String




Dim mainStream, loginStream As StreamReaderDim xmlDoc As XmlDocumentDim postData As String




Dim postStream As StreamWriterDim cookies As CookieContainerConst LAWSON_UID As String = "xxxxx" ' must be set to a valid employee with an RD30


Const LAWSON_PWD As String = "xxxxxxxx" ' must be the above user's password

loginStream =


mainResp =


mainStream =




cred =


New NetworkCredential(LAWSON_UID, LAWSON_PWD)' Send a GET request to the Lawson login page (need to get a session cookie)

LoginReq = WebRequest.Create(

LoginReq.Method =



' UserAgent MUST be set or an HTTP 500 error is returned

LoginReq.UserAgent =

"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2)"

LoginResp = LoginReq.GetResponse

cookies =

LoginReq.CookieContainer = cookies

LoginResp.Cookies = LoginReq.CookieContainer.GetCookies(LoginReq.RequestUri)


New CookieContainerTry

loginStream =

qryReturn = loginStream.ReadToEnd


New StreamReader(LoginResp.GetResponseStream)Finally



If Not IsNothing(loginStream) Then loginStream.Close()'Else


' ActionReturnMsg = "Unable to Login to Lawson. " & loginStream.ToString


' ActionReturnCode = "006"


' loginStream.Close()



If Not IsNothing(LoginResp) Then LoginResp.Close()'Else


'ActionReturnMsg = "Invalid Response from Lawson. " & LoginResp.ToString


'ActionReturnCode = "007"




'End If


End Try


' Next send a POST request to the Lawson SSO servlet

mainReq = WebRequest.Create(

mainReq.Method =


mainReq.ContentType =


mainReq.Credentials = cred

mainReq.PreAuthenticate =





mainReq.UserAgent =

"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2)"


' build the string of POST data for the SSO Servlet.


' Note the _ssoOrigUrl parameter is what Lawson will redirect to and return XML from.

postData =



"_ssoUser=" & LAWSON_UID & "&_ssoPass=" & LAWSON_PWD & "&_action=LOGIN&_fromLoginPage=FALSE&_language=en-us&_ssoOrigUrl=" & _' pass in the cookie container obtained from the LOGIN PAGE (critcal)

mainReq.CookieContainer = cookies

mainReq.ContentLength = Len(postData)


' Write the POST data to the stream

postStream =


New StreamWriter(mainReq.GetRequestStream)Try






End Try


'Get the data as an HttpWebResponse object

mainResp = mainReq.GetResponse()


' Convert the data into a string (assumes that you are requesting text)

mainStream =

qryReturn = mainStream.ReadToEnd()


New StreamReader(mainResp.GetResponseStream())' load an XML doc with the returned data.

xmlDoc =




New XmlDocumentReturn xmlDocIf IsNothing(xmlDoc) Then

ActionReturnMsg =

"Unable to execute Lawson API."

ActionReturnCode =



Return Nothing


End If


ActionReturnMsg =

ActionReturnCode =

Catch ex As WebException"Unable execute Lawson DME call. " & ex.Message"002"


Return Nothing



Catch ex As Exception' unable to execute against the api

ActionReturnMsg =

ActionReturnCode =

"Unable execute Lawson DME call. " & ex.Message"003"


Return Nothing







End Function
' clean up open items

Let me know if this makes sense.

John P.





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hey, could you email me a .vb file containing that code? I'm having a little bit of trouble parsing it myself. Couple things I'm not getting. email=

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Ok. Nevermind. I was able to get it successfully. Thank you SO much for the help. It worked perfectly! I really do appreciate it!
John Polito
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Your welcome.
Deleted User
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Hi John Polito,

I am having a weird issue where the call to the servlet is returning html for the login page instead of xml. I am using xmlhttp and it returns xml on one server and html on the other which is causing issues. Can you please post ur code again, the format is all messed up.

John Polito
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Sorry this has taken me so long to get back to you, I have been really busy. Do you still need the code?
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I am having the same problem as tej. I was sending the AGS call through a "XMLHTTPRequest" in VB. Now that we've upgraded to 9, I'm having nothing but problems. Would you have any suggestions or sample code available?

Deleted User
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We were able to get it to work via xmlhttp. Please let me know if you need some info. Thanks
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Can you send me JAVADOC,i am trying to write program in java to connect to lawson9
Kwane McNeal
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Another method would be to use lhc.jar
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John, Thank you very much for posting your sample code.  We are upgrading from 8.02 to LSF9 and we have around 10 applications that used to use the Lawson COM+ along with VB6 in 8.02 and your code example has given us an excellent starting point for converting all of these applications.   You have saved us a lot of research and otherwise wasted time.  

Thank you again, Shawn

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