'Welcome' message in v10 Workspace/Portal

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Roger French
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in v10.0.x portal/workspace, the long-time 'Welcome'  message option appears to be gone.Many of my clients really like that option. It's not configurable in the portal role file any longer, though it (and the xml tags) still does appear in the portalconfig.xml file. So does anyone know how to get the 'Welcome ' message option to actually display? I received a message from Infor that the option is no longer available in v10, but I wanted to check with the community if anyone's been able to get it to display. Yes I know in Sharepoint/Workspace that the user ID does appear but not the welcome message nor the full name or productline option. Thanks in advance, Roger
Rhonda Cordes
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Roger, I am also trying to figure out how to get the Welcome message to display. Were you ever able to find a resolution? Thanks, Rhonda
John Henley
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The welcome message was removed from "portal" since it's now running inside of workspace, which runs in SharePoint. What you now get is the username displayed within SharePoint on the (upper-right by default). Depending on how you authenticate (if Kerberos, displays their user display name from the SharePoint site's My Settings, which usually comes from AD; if LS as STS, it displays the name returned in the token, which I guess comes from the RMID). Are you trying to change the welcome message to indicate what product line they user is in, or do you just want to display their name?
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Rhonda Cordes
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John, I wanted to display the product line so that you can easily tell whether you are in test or prod. If that is not possible, are we able to change the color scheme since workspace runs in SharePoint? Thanks, Rhonda
John Henley
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I'm not aware of an easy/supported way to do it, but a quick hack might be to modify the theme (i.e. default is "white", so perhaps change it to "blue" based on the product line); would require JavaScript changes and would need to be updated as you take delivery of patches in the future, but it might be pretty quick if you know your way around Portal JavaScript files... Might also be a worthwhile webpart for Infor to develop and deliver to embed in the S3 pages ...
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"I'm not aware of an easy/supported way to do it" This is a pretty important feature for us.  We are still on 9.01, but as many people that use a "product line identifier", it just doesn't make sense that they would not make this an easy change. 
Roger French
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I know, it doesn't make sense. But that's just the way it is. In workspace/Mingle, you could probably customize it someway to display productline, welcome message, date, etc. Date does display in mingle/workspace calendar.
Jimmy Chiu
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You can re-enable the welcome/prodline msg if you put the codes back in. Problem is you have to reapply the codes practically every portal patch.


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I don't know about the actual welcome message.
However,our workaround to display the product line was to simply modify our custom logo (in upper left corner) to include the product line indicator, which remains visible on both the SharePoint home page and when the users navigate into the actual Portal screens.
This custom logo file can be added within SharePoint under 'Site Actions' > 'Site settings' > 'Customize Ming.le User Interface'.
Roger French
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TBonney: I like that idea.
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I know this is kind of an old thread, but Infor has released a Portal patch that displays the Product Line. It displays like Smart Office: On the top left with the Title of whatever you have open (i.e. HR11 - Employee - PROD).
Roger French
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Carl what is the patch number or KB article for the patch?
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JT-583881. There doesn't seem to be a KB article for it. Infor should be shouting it out to the world, since so many customers want it...
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JT-583881. There doesn't seem to be a KB article for it. Infor should be shouting it out to the world, since so many customers want it...
Jimmy Chiu
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Nice patch. +1
David Britton
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Posted By Carl.Seay on 07/28/2014 8:07 AM I know this is kind of an old thread, but Infor has released a Portal patch that displays the Product Line. It displays like Smart Office: On the top left with the Title of whatever you have open (i.e. HR11 - Employee - PROD).

I am on Mingle and see the Product line if I hover over the Description/Form number .

For example for HR11 I see "Employee (HR11.1)" and if I hover over that I see "Employee (DCOHP10 - HR11.1)".

Is there a way to make the productline part visible all of the time?

 I entered a ticket with Infor and the response I got was if I wanted the Welcome message back to enter an Enhancement Request but I did not get an answer about how to make the product line visible all of the time and not just when I hover.

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If you have the patch installed, go to User Options and select 'Show Product Line in Page Header'. It's disabled by default.
David Britton
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Carl: Thanks for the JT. Got it installed and that was the answer.
Shaun C
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We would like to change the RMID in the upper right to their Full Name. Is there a way to change it from pulling the RMID and instead pull Name.
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Shaun C,

I know this is a bit late to help you, but it may help someone else.  We were able to display the user's full name by updating the tp_Title field in the UserInfo table of the Sharepoint database.  We created a job in SQL Server to update every night.  We include the employee's number as well.  Here is the sql:

UPDATE UserInfo SET UserInfo.tp_Title = (rtrim(NICK_NAME) + ' ' + rtrim(LAST_NAME) + ' - ' + cast(EMPLOYEE as Varchar)) FROM UserInfo  left join prod.dbo.EMPLOYEE   ON cast(EMPLOYEE.EMPLOYEE as varchar) = cast((replace(right(tp_login, charindex('|', reverse(tp_Login))), '|', '')) as varchar) WHERE UserInfo.tp_Title = cast(EMPLOYEE as Varchar)



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Okay, old thread I know, but I can't find an answer to this in the INFOR docs or in the community. We are on 10.0.9, on premise. We never use the Ming.le log in - we log in straight to our web or app server. I know it is there, we simply don't use it, as it is another layer we don't need. I don't know when the "Welcome Username" went away, but I swear I JUST noticed it last week. I tried adding code to the portalrole.xml file to see if it would work the same as it used to, and I got an error when I tried to bring up portal. This is from our default.xml file (the one that I am testing with) and what I added is the three lines that start and end with Welcome. When I tried to bring up portal, I got a "file contains invalid XML" error. Now I know next to nothing about XML, but does anyone know why this won't work, and how I can get the username to display like it used to? Not sure why I can't insert a screenshot in here darn it.   

Greg Moeller
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Cindy: If putting the code back in place doesn't work, I'm not sure that you'll be able to get it to work. Here's an untested section of an OLD role file that I had... home.htm >]]>
Greg Moeller
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Cindy: (Let's try this again) If putting the code back in place doesn't work, I'm not sure that you'll be able to get it to work. Here's an untested section of an OLD role file that I had... [code] home.htm >]]> [/code]
Greg Moeller
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How about an attachment for my third attempt?

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LOL. Thanks Greg - I replied to you on the Infor site. I am wondering if this is just no longer possible. That really sucks to not be able to display the user's name.
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