AGS call to modify a job?

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I have a job created with the jobdef utility that executes a token assigned to a cmd file script.  I'm trying to submit the job from a Design Studio button, but I need to update the job's parameter string first.  If this was a static job, that'd be done in jobdef, but the DS form takes in parameter values that need to be updated into the job.

I'd like to use the DS API builder to rough out the AGS call, but my job isn't listed, only delivered Lawson forms, like PR530.

Is it possible to use AGS to modify a jobdef rather than delivered Lawson form, and if so, what's the best way to figure out the call syntax?




John Henley
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Posts: 3351
Mike, the AGS calls (and the resulting Erp transaction servlet) only work against Lawson's COBOL tokens, not environment tokens like the one you put in front of your cmd file script. What LSF version are you using? For v9, you can try using cgi-lawson/xjobdef.exe, and v901/v10 you can use the /lawson-ios/updatejobstep/ servlet.
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Posts: 151
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Thanks, we are on 9.01 and working on a 10 conversion, so I searched for updatejobstep and there is nothing about it here or at InforXtreme. (I couldn't even find this post at!) How might I find documentation for it?