AGS error not displaying

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Terry P
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I have an AGS call to update a custom form. The form works with no problem. But when I have it in another form and trying to use an AGS call to add a record - it doesn't work. So I added some additional code to check the error after the call. The alert comes back with "undefined" for the value of sReturnStatus. Here is my code:        // add new record         //Construct DME string for adding record     agsCall = portalWnd.AGSPath + "?_PDL=" + strPDL         agsCall += "&_TKN=XH01.1&_LFN=ALL&_RTN=DATA&_TDS=IGNORE&_OUT=XML&_EVT=ADD&FC=A"     agsCall += "&XPA-COMPANY=" + aRecs[0]         agsCall += "&XPA-EMPLOYEE=" + vEmpNo         agsCall += "&XPA-TSPC-ACCT-ID=" + aRecs[2]         agsCall += "&XPA-SEQUENCE-NO=" + aRecs[3]         agsCall += "&XPA-FIRST-NAME=" + aRecs[4]         agsCall += "&XPA-MIDDLE-NAME=" + aRecs[5]         agsCall += "&XPA-LAST-NAME=" + aRecs[6]         agsCall += "&XPA-NAME-SUFFIX=" + aRecs[7]         agsCall += "&XPA-SSN-LAST-4=" + aRecs[8]         agsCall += "&XPA-BIRTHDAY=" + aRecs[9]         agsCall += "&XPA-LICENSE-CAT=" + aRecs[10]         agsCall += "&XPA-LICENSE-TYPE=" + aRecs[11]         agsCall += "&XPA-STATUS=" + aRecs[12]         agsCall += "&XPA-CERTIFICATE-NO=" + aRecs[13]         agsCall += "&XPA-LICENSE-EFF-DT=" + aRecs[14]         agsCall += "&XPA-LICENSE-EXP-DT=" + aRecs[15]         agsCall += "&XPA-LIC-RESTRICTN=" + aRecs[16]         agsCall += "&XPA-ENDORSMNT-DESC=" + aRecs[17]         agsCall += "&XPA-AUTHORIZ-LVL=" + aRecs[18]         agsCall += "&XPA-AUTHORIZ-LV-CD=" + aRecs[19]         agsCall += "&XPA-ENDORSE-EFF-DT=" + aRecs[20]         agsCall += "&XPA-ENDORSE-EXP-DT=" + aRecs[21]         agsCall += "&XPA-COND-ASGN-CODE=" + aRecs[22]         agsCall += "&XPA-AS-OF-DATE=" + aRecs[23]         agsCall += "&_EOT=TRUE"                var sReturn = portalWnd.httpRequest(agsCall)        var sReturnStatus = sReturn.status         alert(sReturnStatus)
Robert Spurr
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I know this may be a silly question but you did define "agsCall" as a variable? I can only guess you did since I don't see it in the code above. Not even sure it has anything to do with the problem.