AP20.2 Remove Voucher number

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Kate Liamero
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We interface invoices from Imagenow and our AP Dept then reviews the invocies in AP20.2.  They sometimes have to add a tax code to the invoice and in order to do this they must delete the invoice, clear out the voucher field, chosse the tax code and then add the invoice again.  I would like to have the voucher number field automatically be set to blank when a user deletes an invoice.  This way the users will only have to click delete, choose the tax code and click add.  The sstep of clearing the voucher field will not be needed. Any suggestions?  Thanks Kate
John Henley
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Posts: 3351
Hi Kate, You can definitely do that with Design Studio & JavaScript, but you need to handle it using two events and a variable: - Outside of the events, create a global variable (e.g. gsFC) in which to store the FC being processed - In OnBeforeTransaction, save the passed fc to the variable gsFC: - In OnAfterTransaction, if (gsFC == "D") lawForm.setFormValue("whatever","");
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John Henley
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Posts: 3351
You could also do this with a COBOL user exit that fires after the transaction (i.e. AP20EPD).
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Kate Liamero
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Thanks as always John. I think we'll go the design studio route.. I want to run it by our finance department first. It is a work around for the AP20.2 not allowing calclulating tax on the change function. Our invoices are interface from Imagenow with AP520 and are created without a tax code. Our AP staff reviews the invoice in AP20.2 to see if a tax code needs to be added. Tax is only calculated on the add function not on the change. The only option at this point is to delete the invoice, clear the voucher field, select the tax code,and click add.
John Henley
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What apps version are you on?
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Kate Liamero
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9.0 Apps - Uniix - websphere Lawson 9.0 security
John Henley
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Posts: 3351
Hmmm. There are a lot of recent AP20.2 changes for 9.0 pertaining to tax. In fact, I even think you can change tax codes now and it will recalc/change the invoice. You might want to check that out.
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Kate Liamero
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We have an enhancement request in with Lawson. They say it is functioning as designed. The tax calculation is only done when the invoice is added. If you add an invoice with a tax code and want to change the tax code it won't allow it. It might be because are choosing the tax code on the invoice level (API-TAX-CODE )in the header and not on the distribution line level. Anyway Lawson says it only calculates the tax on the Add function not on the Change. _____ From: forums-bpm-studio@lawsonguru.com [mailto:forums-bpm-studio@lawsonguru.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 8:46 PM To: kliamero@edisonlearning.com Subject: Re: AP20.2 Remove Voucher number [00005826:00006178] <https://www.lawsonguru.com/> Design Studio Forum Notification A message was posted to a thread you were tracking. John Henley Posted:01/28/2009 08:30 PM Subject: Re: AP20.2 Remove Voucher number Hmmm. There are a lot of recent AP20.2 changes for 9.0 pertaining to tax. In fact, I even think you can change tax codes now and it will recalc/change the invoice. You might want to check that out. _____ You may reply to this thread via e-mail; please do not remove the message tracking number from the subject line, and do not include this message in your reply. To view the complete thread and reply via your browser, please visit: https://www.lawsonguru.co...fc/6178/Default.aspx You were sent this email because you opted to receive email notifications when someone posted and/or responded to a message on this forum. To unsubscribe to this thread please visit your user profile page and change your subscription options. Thank you, LawsonGuru.com
John Henley
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Posts: 3351
I do stand corrected. I tested with the latest patches, and you cannot change the tax code.
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OK, a little late reply here but anyway.. They review it when it is already in AP. Why not review it before, using AP52 for viewing the invoices before they have updated AP and the records are in apcinvoice, apcdistrib and apcattach? That way your staff could fix the problem before updating AP.