Criteria in DME call - Is there an "IN" option

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Is there a way to set the criteria of a DME call to select a record if a field value is in a string? For example, I have a list of AU's stored in a string, separated by commas. I want to only select records from the WFWORKUNIT table if the WORK-CAT-VAL value is in that string.


So, if the records WORK-CAT-VAL equals 305101 and the string I created equals "111205,111210,111211,305101,306106,306109", I want to select the record.


I tried using the contains option and that does not work.

John Henley
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%2c is the hex value for comma

| is the OR function for the &SELECT

this will find ,305101, -or- ,305101 -or- 305101,



Thanks for using the forums!
David Williams
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Still, if you know the Task then you can use the semicolon separated values with index WFSET5. You can use a range on Task if needed.
David Williams
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John, Thanks for the response. I'm not sure if the OR function will work for this. The string can have 1 acct unit or 1000. How long can the criteria statement be?
Jason Beard
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Laura - Is your filter intent to improve performance, enforce security, or simplify the results for the user? I've built similar screens where I return more data via the DME call than I need and then filter the display rather than filtering the call to the database. Depending on the desired result this may not be a valid solution for you but it does give you control in a more straightforward manner than the DME select provides. Just my 2 cents.
Jason Beard
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Jason, I'm trying to filter the results. We only want people to see workunits for the accounting units they have access to. It appears that the OR statement is going to work. Thank you so much for the tips. I appreciate it.