Design Studio Advantages and Implementation

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beverly godwin
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We are considering buying Design Studio and I'd like to know what this will do for us and how hard the implementation is.

We are on Windows - We are now moving to lsf 9 and are on apps 8.1 moving to apps 9 by May 2010. We are just starting to use process flow professional and may be implementing LBI soon as well.

Will design studio change our lives or just add some bells & whistles that we can live without?

Timing wise, should we wait until after apps 9 before getting design studio?

Thanks for any advice!!

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We have Design Studio and have found many great uses for it. I am a user and not IT, and I am currently the only person in our company that actually creates DS forms. There are so many great things that can be done, and so much more can be done with a little bit of javascript. A few examples that we have done is set fields to be requried, set edits that the correct format was entered in fields, we have moved things to the front tab,etc. As for waiting until you upgrade I say YES. I found that mosts DS forms need to be basically re-written after an upgrade because there have been changes to the form.
Terry P
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I don't know how we'd survive without Design Studio! As mentioned, with just a little bit of javascript code you can enhance the form considerably. With a lot of javascript, you can do enhance it TREMENDOUSLY. Add the edits you want, kick off other processing, retrieve and display fields from other files not on your form, etc. Suggest if going to CUE you try and attend some of the sessions on DS, or talk with some of the "power users" there.
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A couple of recent request from my users that I used DS for: A version of HR11 that shows just information about an employee that pertains to his employment verification information, including position history which they would have to drill around to find from HR11. This form is used only by people who have no other business using HR11. A version of HR11 that is just for adding new employees on a single form with no tabs, we have a lot of turn-over. This allows for quick training of HR clerks who do nothing but enter this data.
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I agree with Terry, it can be a useful tool for both the novice and the expert.  It is easy to use to remove fields, change input field to output only etc, but with a little javascript knowledge you can pretty much write small applications within the form.

I have also done a lot of reverse engineering of portal to do many undocumented things, for example I had a client that wanted the Actions in the Inbasket to disappear when an approver made a change on the displayed form approving and only show the actions again when they clicked on the Change button. This was to ensure they did not accidently Approve without commiting the changes  Basically anything Lawson does in Portal can be done in Design Studio, they just don't tell you how to do it.

One of the most common changes I have done for clients is to take a form (say like HR11) and create a custom version that included replacing the employee field with a drop down box populating the managers reports to and include that form in Manager Self Service.

The only restriction Design Studio (for formlets) is that it has to be based on an existing form. That being said, in theory you can create a custom form and hide every singe field related to the form to create a new form (but that does defeat part of the purpose of Design Studio).

Gary Davies

Terry P
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I am just finishing a project where I took a custom form (custom being it was not a Lawson form, but one written in RPG by another customer). This custom form was being used to create Personal Action Requests by supervisors. I was asked to help out on customizing it after it was written using Design Studio. While looking at it, I thought the concept might be used for another customer for doing projected staffing for the next year. So I took their form and heavily customized it by putting the form inside a Portal page, removing fields, changing labels, and adding a lot of Javascript code for additional editing. When I was finished, you would never think it was the same form. Yet, I'm still using the basic funtionality of the original form. This got me to thinking back to my old programming days in college (more than 30 years ago), when he said "All programs have one or more of the following functions: Add, Change, Delete, Inquire". Which let me to think, if a person was to create a basic form with all the fields available and with those actions, to use as the "engine" - they could probably create a custom form to do just about anything they wanted. I'll try to post an example of the report as a file if I can figure out how....

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John has posted quite a number of articles about Design Studio at that give a great overview of what Design Studio can do for you. He also has included some suggestions for determining when to use it and when NOT to use it. These are not really "tutorials" for Design Studio as such, but more concepts to be aware of. I found the articles very interesting and helpful. You might want to check them out.
Kelly Meade
J. R. Simplot Company
Boise, ID
Mark Jorgenson
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Design Studio has been a great tool for me. Here are just a few of the things I've been able to do with it: Validation - Prevent "future dating" an invoice in AP20 - Require a sublot when a lot field is used on IC29 ,etc Efficiency - Created stripped down AP20 - Created stripped down OE10 Interfaces - Added "view" button to AP90,1,2 linking directly to document in ImageNow - Created e-pedigree process for tracking chain of custody for items rec'd, repacked and shipped The number of uses virtually limitless.
Michael Thedford
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Mark. would you be willing to send me the scripting you are using on the AP90 screens to view the invoice in ImageNow? Thanks, Michael Thedford
Jimmy Chiu
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DS is great for endusers. Wait till you have to do app upgrade and have to recreate all the forms and pages under new app version... (IE: 8.0.x to 9.0.1) Then it's pain.