Employee photo on HR11

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I want to add code to our custom HR11 screen that will show the employee photo. Anyone done this?
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Ok, I found an example in the Lawson Design Studio Users Guide. It looks something like this: ----------------------------------------------- var sEmp = lawForm.getFormValue("text2"); sPath = "/law1/ca/lawson/persistdata/lawson/portal/content/images/"+sEmp+".jpg"; var imgElem = lawform.getFormElement("image1"); if (imgElem) { imgElem.src = sPath; imgElem.style.visibility = "visible"; } ------------------------------------------------- I am getting a message "LawForm is Undefined". And it points to the above lawform.getFormElement. Any suggestions?
David Williams
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lawform.getFormElement should be lawForm
David Williams
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Thanks David, that was it. Not that it is working, but no more error.
David Williams
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Do you actually have images loaded? Do an alert(sPath) to see what your call looks like to make sure it's clean.
David Williams
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How strange an adventure this has been! Figuring out where to place the .jpg files so Lawson will find them has been quite a challenge. The address $LAWDIR/persistdata/lawson/portal/content/images is where you put an image if you want to assign just one image to the form. Like if you wanted to show a company logo or something like that. You then assign it to the image you define in DS as the source, not in the JS. However if you want to build a variable and assign it on the fly, you need to put the images in the $LAWDIR/htdocs/lawson/images directory. However when building your path in JS, use "/lawson/images/filename.jpg" as the directory/filename. I don't know how much of this is consistent across all UNIX platforms and how much is specific to our Lawson setup. I just know this has been a real adventure! :-) Now with all that said, has anyone used something like this but called the pictures from a web address instead of from the UNIX box itself? That is what I would like to be able to do because our badge photo's are on another server within our firewall and I would rather pull them directly from there rather than having to develope a process to pull them over to our UNIX server.
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We have created a button on one of our custom applicant screens (PA31) that calls a simple Classic asp page that we developed that displays applicant photos. The applicant number is dynamically populated as a querystring. function BUTTON_OnClick(id, row) { var strURL = "http://production/laprod/PhotoUpload//DisplayPhoto.asp?ID=" + sAppID window.open(strURL,"PCT_Photo","fullscreen=no,location=no,menubar=no,width=280,height=400,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,status=yes,toolbar=no") } I hope this helps. I can give more details in how it works if you need it. Matt
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Don't know if this helps you but through MSS the employee photos can be viewed under their direct reports: The photos have to have the naming convention of "P.jpg (I think you need leading zeroes in the EE#) The photos need to be in "WEBDIR/lawson/hrnet/images/employees I found that you can adjust the image size by modifing manager.htm in the "htdocs/lawson/xhrnet" folder. I also thought there was an option to have the images displayed on HR11.
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Here is the script I am using for this, and having one small issue - I can't lock the image into place and keep a consistent size. When our HR dept takes the pic, they are regularly cropped (and they don't lock the aspect ratio during cropping). This leads to very un-flattering photos being placed into portal if you use an absolute size. I hope I worded that coherently... Anyway, here goes: function FORM_OnInit() { //set the style for image control var imgElem=lawForm.getFormElement("image1"); if (imgElem) { imgElem.style.visibility = "hidden"; imgElem.style.top = "4px"; imgElem.style.left = "50%"; imgElem.style.height = "20%"; imgElem.style.height = "20%"; } } function FORM_OnAfterTransaction(data) { //was transaction successful? if (formState.agsError) return; // pad image names with zeroes for company and employee names // company is 4 chars, employees are 9 sEmployee = lawForm.getDataValue("EMP-EMPLOYEE",0); sCompany = lawForm.getDataValue("EMP-COMPANY",0); sCompany = portalWnd.strFillChar(sCompany,4,"left","0"); sEmployee = portalWnd.strFillChar(sEmployee,9,"left","0"); // build IMG url and set the control source sEmployee = "P" + sCompany + sEmployee; sPath = "/lawson/xhrnet/images/employees/"+sEmployee+".jpg" var imgElem = imgElem=lawForm.getFormElement("image1"); if (imgElem) { imgElem.src = sPath; imgElem.style.visibility = "visible"; } }
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Thanks all! I'm still looking for a way to address the photo's from a web server and load them directly to the form on an inquiry action. My users don't want a pop-up. I have been successful at pulling them from a Unix directory. Again the problem there is I would have to come up with a process to update the Unix daily with new employee's photos. I would much rather be able to pull them from the network server that already contains the photos.