IC21.2 Reference Verification

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I have an application that will create and maintain work orders outside of lawson.  I have created a custom table to hold those work order numbers in Lawson.  I can access the table via Lawson DME, no problem.

I want users to enter the work order number in the REFERENCE field of IC21.2, and then I will verify against the custom table.  I cannot figure out how to access that field with Design Studio.  When I bring up the fom all the fields at the bottom (detail area) are dim, and clicking any field does not activate its properties.  The OBJECT button at bottom is not active for this form.   What am I missing?

I can key the work order number in a field at the top of the form (eg User Analysys, whatever that is) and tie it to my verify button and the edit checking is activiated.  I see that the textbox for reference is "text23"  but when I use that for the edit checking I get null string.  HELP!!

David Williams
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Do you have full security access to this form in Lawson? DS only allows you to update based upon your security permissions.
David Williams
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It is because it is an untabbed detail area. Click on Properties on the top right and select detail1 and the object option should appear.
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Thanks Gary, I would never have figured that out as method to access the lower portion of the form. However, I still cannot get the following function to understand that I have keyed a value in "text23" which I believe to be the proper textbox for the Reference field. As you can see in the code below, I can grab it from "text9" an upper portion textbox, and the edit check against custom table works fine. What am I missing? function Verify_WorkOrder() { var vProd = portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute("productline"); var SelectWorkOrder = lawForm.getDataValueById("text23"); // this will work //var SelectWorkOrder = lawForm.getDataValueById("text9"); var vDmeString ="?PROD=" + vProd vDmeString +="&FILE=FLEETWO" vDmeString +="&FIELD=WONUM;VEHNUM;WOSTS;WODTE;" vDmeString +="&SELECT=WONUM^%3D" + SelectWorkOrder; vDmeString +="&XCOLS=TRUE" vDmeString +="&XKEYS=TRUE" vDmeString +="&XRELS=TRUE" vDmeString +="&XCOUNT=TRUE" vDmeString +="&XIDA=TRUE" vDmeString +="&OUT=XML"; var vDMEInfo = portalWnd.httpRequest(portalWnd.DMEPath + vDmeString) var vObjDMEXML = new top.DataStorage(vDMEInfo); var vRecords = vObjDMEXML.document.getElementsByTagName("RECORD"); var numRec=vRecords.length; if (numRec ==0) { alert("WorkOrder: [" +SelectWorkOrder+"] Not Found "); } if (numRec!=0) { var vAlert = "" for (i=0;i.getElementsByTagName("COL"); var cWO = vCols[0].firstChild.data; var cVEH = vCols[1].firstChild.data; var cDTE = vCols[3].firstChild.data; vAlert += "PL[" + vProd + "]" + cDTE; vAlert += "WO: " + cWO + "\n" } lawForm.setFormValue("text29",vAlert); alert (vAlert) } return true; }
Terry P
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You want getDataValue not getDataValueById if you're using the fieldname text23
Terry P
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Ooops, sorry it should be getFormValue
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The following code worked. Give credit to a resource at Ciber. "Because you’re in a detail section of the form,, you can have multiple rows on the screen, so you have to tell it what row you’re looking at. IC21.1 is a little different because it only has 1 row on it (which is always row zero)." var SelectWorkOrder = lawForm.getDataValueById("text23",0);
Terry P
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I'm surprised that getDataValue works. I always thought that was for table fields and you should use getFormValue for form elements. As a side note, you must not be on version 9. I was told in version 9 the row numbers start at 1, not 0 as in previous versions. Can someone confirm that who is on 9? I'm going to start converting my forms in a couple of weeks and was going to change them to reflect that.
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Terry, we are on Version 9
Terry P
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This is from the Design Studio 9.0 Release Notes: Description The Transaction servlet (formerly AGS) has been completely rewritten for release 9.0 and handles detail lines differently in some situations. As a result, numbering of detail lines in Design Studio now starts at 0, not 1, as in previous versions of Design Studio.
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Version is the version that shows up when I click HELP About Design Studio. I used the code I entered above and it accessed the work order entry I made in the Reference field. Hope that helps. I was just glad to see it work
Terry P
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Dunno. Guess I'll have to wait and test it on some of my programs when I convert. Glad it works for you though.
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I tried the following code. It did not work. var SelectWorkOrder = lawForm.getDataValueById("text23",1);