Implementing portal page as a self-service module/component

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I want to Implement a design studio portal page to display emergency contacts for a group of as a self-service module. Ihave success with using the user variable on the Index. But I have had no success doing this in the the query criteria. It seems to ignore the entry. For instance I want to check an RM attribute of the logged in user against the value in the employee record so that the person inquiring only see the people assgined to him. I picked the field from the dropdown list of the available fields. selected equals, selected User variable from the dropdown then picked the variable that stores the data. I have read all the Design Studio Articlesfrom this site but could not find the solution. Not even in Lawson Design Studio part 8: Portal Page Designer section on Implementing the Self-Service Component.


John Henley
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Posts: 3351
One of the articles in the Design Studio article series I did implemented a self-service module for Grant Management. It did take a little hand-tweaking of the XML and a few dozen lines of Javascript.
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That is the example I saw that gave me hope. One thing about it I didn't understand is when you mention basing criteria on EMPLOYEE but you are showing HR Company in the example.I thought I understood how it worked but I have not been able to make it work. Can you provide a sample? Also, are you saying that the criteria selection using user variable does not work as advertised and that it needs "help" ? I was figuring I just didn't understand.