results from AGS call

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Ragu Raghavan
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For years I have been using this syntax to get the results from an AGS call:

 var sMsgNbr  = sAGSInfo.selectSingleNode("//MsgNbr").text;

This seems to work only in IE. Gets an 'undefined' in Chrome and Firefox.

This workaround seems to work on all 3 browsers.

 var vNew1 = sAGSInfo.getElementsByTagName("MsgNbr")[0];  var vNew2 = vNew1.childNodes[0];  var vNewMsg = vNew2.nodeValue;

Joe O'Toole
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Does anyone have sample DME and AGS call syntax that will work both in IE and Chrome?

We just finished getting a custom form working in V10 on IE working around the JS and object behavior changes only to find that the DME and AGS calls are not working when users try to use it in Chrome.



Zachary Dever
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I recently ran into this same issue with a client.  The DME and AGS calls are working but IE11 stores the return data in a different spot than Chrome and FireFox.  

The solution I used was to check the browser userAgent for IE and then pull from the correct location.  One thing we ran into with this was that the data from Chrome and Firefox needed to be trimmed of character-return/line feeds.


var ua = navigator.userAgent; //ZD032717 - Update userAgent check to IE11(Trident) var trident = ua.indexOf('Trident/'); if (trident > 0) {    vELcommentArray = vCols[0]; } else { var stringToReplace = vCols[0].firstChild.wholeText; vELcommentArray= stringToReplace.replace(/[\n\r]+/g, ''); }

Ragu Raghavan
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Zachary's post confirmed what I saw today: DME results different in IE Vs Chrome. Has anybody found a different solution? Thanks.
John Henley
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I have found that Chrome returns the columns as a huge array. So my solution is to increment a column index by the number of columns in the returned result set.

Thanks for using the forums!
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Regarding DME conversion from IE to Chrome:

Per an Infor post, you can store the individual 'record' in a new portalWnd.DataStorage and then pull off the individual columns using the .getElementCDataValue('COL', ).  I have attached a sample of before & after code for the DME data.

However - going back to the original request, has anyone been able to fix the Design Studio code surrounding the .selectSingleNode("//MsgNbr" return from the AGS call to work in Chrome?

Thanks - Shawn

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Sorry - I re-read the original post and found that RaguRagu had already found a solution for the sAGSInfor.selectSingleNode("//MsgNbr".text;

Below is the before/after code I am using to get the results from the AGS call.  Before code works in IE only & After code works in both IE & Chrome.

var sMsgNbr = sAGSInfo.selectSingleNode("//MsgNbr".text;

var sMsgNbr = sAGSInfo.getElementsByTagName("MsgNbr"[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;

Is anyone doing this differently?  Is there there a better solution?

Thanks - Shawn

Ragu Raghavan
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Yes, the new AGS syntax works consistently with IE11, Edge. Chrome, Safari and Firefox. Bear in mind that if the nodeValue is null, the script just freezes. FldNbr, MsgNbr and Messsage are always populated, so not at issue. For instance MsgNbr will come across as 219. Or if no error 000 I was interrogating a PA52 screen to see what the user entered value was: they had entered none, since there was no change to the field. The results came back as I had to put in some if/then logic to check for null, to bypass this.
Scott Nalian
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I tried to incorporate your solution into my script with the getElementCDataValue('COL', 0) for Edge, I get the message that it is not a function when using the Devloper Console. What version of Design Studio is this API in. 

Thank You for your help.



Ragu Raghavan
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I tested the AGS calls on Design Studio version However, I think the DME syntax you are trying was from ShawnV. He will need to confirm his version and if that syntax did work on Edge or just IE and Chrome.
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I was able to confirm in works in Edge.  We are on version  I originally got the code from an Infor post and I believe the getElementCDataValue function was added somewhere in version 10. Not sure exactly what exact version.

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I have been reading through this post and I am curious if anyone has encountered any issues regarding the global variables defined within their DS forms. We are in the process of migrating our custom forms, needing them to work in both IE and Chrome. Although the forms appear to be working fine in IE, I am encountering issues when coding/testing in Chrome. I have several defined variables at the beginning of the code, prior to any defined functions; but their values are not populating globally. What I mean is... I populate their values... say in the OnBeforeTransaction function, but if the OnBeforeTransaction calls another function... say editValues, editValues does not recognize that the variable was populated in the OnBeforeTransaction and displays as blank. I know that I can pass the values from one function to another; but the globals are so much easier and serve a greater purpose to my needs. Has anyone else encountered this behavior? Could it be related to Zachary Devers' post from 10/11/2017 relating to the location of storage? We are also migrating our forms access from Lawson Mingle over onto Infor OS (within a wrapper) on a brand new platform. Forgive me if this last statement doesn't make sense ... I'm just trying to keep up with possible impacts as to what has happened to my variables.
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I discovered that the issues I was encountering with the global variables was not related to this in any way.