Trigger a Process Flow on IPA using https

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Terry P
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In PFI we triggered our flows by creating a record out to WFWK.1 Looking at the IPA Admin guide it shows a sample as shown below. But when I try a test flow, I can never get it to even create a work unit. I can trigger the service from within Landmark Server Scheduling and it works just fine. I even tried to take the URL string and paste in a browswer, but that gave an error that made no sense. Here is the string I used:




Can someone share an example of the syntax they use. I have calling from within a custom Design Studio Form.

To trigger a process flow on IPA using http(s), specify a URL in the following format:


The queryString portion of the URL is a set of name/value pairs: name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3&...&nameN=valueN

Example 1: Simple, showing only required parametersInfor Process Automation  Triggering Processes



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Theres no reason why you still can't trigger a flow on LANDMARK using S3 WFWK, it still functions just the same...
Tim Cochrane
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You can continue to use WFWK, just make sure you BPM and Landmark services are named the same. var s=portalWnd.AGSPath+"?_PDL="+prodline+ "&_TKN=WFWK.1&_EVT=ADD&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE"+ "&FC=Add&SERVICE=ActBudgetExc" + "&WORK-TITLE=Over Budget" + "&CRITERION-1="+ company+ "&VARIABLE-NAMEr0=MMD_ACCT_CATEGORY" + "&VARIABLE-VALUEr0=" + mmd_acct_cat + "&VARIABLE-NAMEr1=MMD_ACTIVITY" + "&VARIABLE-VALUEr1=" + mmd_activity + "&VARIABLE-NAMEr2=MMD_DIST_COMPANY" + "&VARIABLE-VALUEr2=" + mmd_dist_co + "&VARIABLE-NAMEr3=PLI_COMPANY" + "&VARIABLE-VALUEr3=" + company+ "&VARIABLE-NAMEr4=PLI_LINE_NBR" + "&VARIABLE-VALUEr4=" + pli_line_nbr + "&VARIABLE-NAMEr5=PLI_PO_CODE" + "&VARIABLE-VALUEr5=" + pli_po_code+ "&VARIABLE-NAMEr6=PLI_PO_NUMBER" + "&VARIABLE-VALUEr6=" + pli_po_number+ "&VARIABLE-NAMEr7=PLI_PO_RELEASE" + "&VARIABLE-VALUEr7=" + pli_po_release + "&VARIABLE-NAMEr8=UserID" + "&VARIABLE-VALUEr8=" + portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute("LawsonUserName")+ "&_DELIM=%09&_OUT=TEXT&_EOT=TRUE"
Tim Cochrane - Principal LM/IPA Consultant
Terry P
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Actually I think you do have to use something different since they store the Work Unit information in different areas (one is LSF the other Landmark). When I triggered the flow using WFWK.1 it went to my old LOGAN data area. The way shown to me by support was as follows - and it works as I expected it to now. // new format for Landmark Triggers s = "https://myserver/bpm/trigger?triggerType=ServiceAsync" s += "&triggerName=" + "PO Approval" s += "&dataArea=" + strPDL s += "&workTitle=" + "PO " + trimString(lawForm.getDataValue("PCR-PO-NUMBER") + vWorkTitle + " needs approval") s += "&varName\[0\]=" + "PCR_COMPANY" + "&varValue\[0\]=" + "2082" s += "&varName\[1\]=" + "PCR_PO_NUMBER" + "&varValue\[1\]=" + trimString(lawForm.getDataValue("PCR-PO-NUMBER")) portalWnd.httpRequest(s);
Tim Cochrane
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No - you can use the trigger code I supplied to create a Landmark workunit. WFWK will create a BPM (Logan) workunit...which if you're setup is correct, will in turn trigger a Landmark workunit. That's how the S3-Landmark interaction is designed. Good that you got yours working though
Tim Cochrane - Principal LM/IPA Consultant
Terry P
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Tom - you mentioned "if your setup is correct". Managed Services setup and configured our IPA. What is different that needs or can be changed to do what you're describing?
Tim Cochrane
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(don't know who Tom is, so i'll assume you're referring to me...Tim) Setup - Matching services need to exist on both sides, so if you were running a BPM service named "EmployeeLOA", then you'll need a service in Landmark named "EmployeeLOA". Any service variables to exist on the BPM side need to exist on the Landmark side also. I don't think a flow needs to be tied to the BPM side, since RMI(?) is just invoking the Landmark service...but i haven't tested that theory, and frankly it doesn't matter, as I'll associate a dummy flow to the BPM service anyway. This is the process I've built for a number of Design Studio initiated flows. I also use this same process for some custom htm initiated flows. It looks like what Infor sent you is a variation of what I use...since it's still calling BPM, so if it works for you then that's good.
Tim Cochrane - Principal LM/IPA Consultant
Peter O
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Just a followup to Tim's excellent IPA triggering example. You can bypass WFWK completely and just trigger a LMRK workunit using either a service trigger or process trigger. Example: https://[LMRK_URL]:443/bpm/trigger?triggerType=ProcessAsync&triggerName=[TRIGGER_NAME_IN_LMRK]&dataArea=[DATA_AREA]&workTitle=[WORK_TITLE] <-- this is to trigger based on a Process Trigger, not a service. I use this routinely.