Vendor name on AP 20.2

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Kate Liamero
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The vendor name on AP20.2 is an output only field.  We use Imagenow and it cannot find the vendor name on the AP 20.2 to add it as an index in the learnmode.  What I need is to add another field to the AP 20.2 that will display the vendor name without being an output only so the Imagenow learn mode can see the name and when we click limk it can populate the vendor name in the index field for the image. As soon as a user selects a vendor in the Ap20.2 I need this new field populated with the vendor name just like the current display only field.  I would also like to have the new field omitted from the tab order if possible.  Any ideas? Thanks for all the help everyone here provides.  Kate
David Williams
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Within Design Studio, you can uncheck the Output only flag on the Vendor Name field and it should allow Image Now to map to it.
David Williams
Kate Liamero
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I know but I've been told not to play with that field (don't ask) but to add a new one.
Michael Thedford
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What version of ImageNow are you using? I may have a couple of options for you, but it may depend on the ImageNow version. 1. Change the Vendor name field from type of "Out" to " Text", then the LearnMode will see it. Note - this will make the field look like and "act" like a user can edit/change the value, such as they could type over the vendor name, but if they hit change or add, the application will not actually make the database change. The users will just need to be informed of it's behavior and to not mess with that field. or 2. Use AccExplorer32.exe (download from MS) to tree out the AP 20.2 Portal IE window. Use this information to create a simple VB script in the Learnmode to scan down the IE window tree to locate the particular field you are looking for, capture it, manipulate it if needed, combine with other values, etc, then place it in the index key. I know this is available in 6.2+, but not sure if it is available in 6.0 - 6.1. There is some documentation on the ImageNow support site for this, but it doesn't go into a lot of detail. The support personnel can help you with this as well. I've used method 2 on a few screens and it works fairly well.
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I can understand why someone might say don't mess with the field, because it could impact vendor setup.   Opening up the field on AP20.2 wouldn't store your changes becuase that screen only reads the name it never updates it .  You can look at the sourc APIN70PD in apsrc/appdlib.  Having a field that is duplicate would not be necessary because of this, so Michael's option 1 would work.  
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If you are forced to create a secondary field just create a text field with no source then on the OnAfterTransaction function: function FORM_OnAfterTransaction(data) {  if (formState.agsError) return;  lawForm.setFormValue("textxx",lawForm.getDataValue("VEN-VENDOR-VNAME")); }
Kate Liamero
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We are on Imagenow Version 6.2.1 I believe I tried this on an output only field with support once before using accExplorer.32 and the support person couldn't find the field either.  Unfortunately VB script in one of my many impairments.  I am not a programmer of anything in any language.  When I get the time mayb e I'll download it again and give it another shot. Thanks Kate

Kate Liamero
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Thanks Gary.  As I stated in another post I am programming impaired. This includes javascript.  I'll try your suggestion. Thanks Kate
Michael Thedford
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I'm not a VB scripting person either, but what I got from the documentation will work with a little help from someone out there with a bit more VB knowledge than me. Now, IF you have GOOD control on your IE setup, such as NOT allowing Google & Yahoo toolbars, Hidden Adobe Acrobat toolbars, etc, then it is fairly simple, as the IE tree will be the same, but if there is anything in the IE toolbar portion of the IE portion of the Portal window, then you will need a small bit of VB help to have a recursive loop to build the tree. Below is an example of the script I run for our GL41.1 screen to capture the JE description: *****start of learn mode vb script********** h=FindWindow("*Lawson portal - FG Journal Analysis (GL41.1)*") for i = 45 to 65 accStr="4|4|4|1|1|" & CStr(i) temp=appGetData(h,accStr,"name") findGL41 = InStr(temp,"TKN=GL41.1") if findGL41 <> "0" then accStr = "4|4|4|1|1|" & CStr(i) & "|1|27" exit for end if next finalTemp = appGetData(h,accStr,"Name") WorkingValue=finalTemp ********end of script********* I'm not a web developer either, so forgive me for my misuse of terms, but you should be able to follow along easily... In this case, the users have identical IE setups, so I know the tree down to the Lawson Portal portion of the IE windows is always: 4|4|4|1|1. Depending on what bookmarks they have on the left and what buttons up top (search box, preferences, help, etc) the next value could be different for each user, so I have a look that skips down to a general range to where the actual GL41 form frame is (right side of the Lawson Portal where GL41 is displayed) and gets it's value. From that point on, the tree structure for the form is the same for all users, so in this example to get down to the JE Description display field, it is 1|27. The script then does find with the initial address of 4|4|4|1|1| + value from the first loop + 1|27. Now you have your tree address for the JE Description field. Now in the case of differences in the upper portion of the Lawson Portal, such as a user has toolbars installed, etc, then a VB person should know how to have it do a recursive loop down thru tree structure to locate "TKN=GL41.1" for this example, building each tree level along the way. Once it is located, then append the last portion of the tree structure to it and you have your address for the field. The execution may take a second or 3 to process due to the extra looping and testing, but it will work. ImageNow has done this for clients, but it will fall into the Professional Services area. All you really need at this point is a VB person to setup the initial looping and assigning of position variables along the way for each section of the tree structure. There may also be some fucntions available from MS that already do this sort of thing to find "Child Frames". Sorry to be long winded, but at least from the script above, it should give you a starting point to get a script working. Hope this helps a bit...
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We have imagenow and use the AP20.2 for linking as well. We have opened the field up as you stated you wanted to do. It sounds like from the other posts they have pointed you in the right dircetion, I wanted to address the concerns about the field being open for change. We had those concerns and I tested it every way possible to remove that fear from our users. The vendor name field is output only on the form. You can't change from AP20.2. If you need any other info or have questions let me know.