Updating LOBKMARK via Addins?

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Has anyone successfully updated LOBKMARK with an Addins upload?  How did you handle the seq #? I need to add the new 901 forms and I'm getting tired of keying. I use Addins to associate groups with the bookmarks, but actually adding new bookmarks to an existing file seems a little trickier.  Thanks
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Hello, I created a case with Lawson last week asking a similar question relating to bookmark maintenance. Our scenario is that bookmarks are out of synch with Production bookmarks in one of our test environments. I was looking for a way to get the test system updated. Lawson support referred me to KB article 549114 which documents the LO12 and LO920 programs. I also researched the issue on the mylawson community and lawsonguru and found some folks using importdb to refresh bookmark changes between environments. There was a thread on mylawson community which was particularly helpful - title Copying Bookmarks. Please update the thread if you find easier ways to maintain your bookmarks - ping me if you want to compare notes - joanna_bledsoe@dell.com