Are Grid Extensions Required in LSO?

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Roger French
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I'm getting some conflicting information for LSO. Are Grid Extensions required for LSO Server? I just have one grid, and one installation point. Some of the documentation is saying that Grid Extensions are optional, but then another piece is saying it's required... Thank you, R
Roger French
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I answered my own question weeks ago: Yes, you will need a session provider if you want to hook up to S3 applications for example. You can create a session provider to indicate which LDAP you want to use for your users' authentication for LSO.
John Henley
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And when you get to about the 97th step, you will realize that you need WAS as well to use S3 apps...
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Huh? I thought I read in the release notes that Grid replaced WAS? Can you give some detail?
John Henley
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To use S3 applications, requires the "Companion", which requires WAS.
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Rube Goldberg lives! Could they make anything more complex? And on page 25, they tell you that JDK (already installed back in the first step) needs to be in stalled in root with no spaces in the path rather than in the default Program Files where the installer put it. And of course, the Java uninstall doesn't work correctly, making it impossible to reinstall. I think I'm gonna have to ask for a new server and start over.
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Hi John, I am at the finish of what I could do with installation of the Smart Office,still straggling with the client certificate; we have not been at the CUE for couple years and I have nobody around to bounce ideas or ask questions. I did ask someone who has the LSO installed by AIC and I have been told that WAS was not installed for their site. They do have the same configuration as we are: S3, with LSF on UNIX and Windows for LSO. I cannot get any details , since contact I have is not technical , so the answer comes from the third party I may not ask directly Can you elaborate little more on WAS needed to communicate to LSO. Thank you I appreciate your answer and your time
John Henley
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I stand by my statement: To use S3 applications, requires the "Companion", which requires WebSphere.
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In October or November there was a version of Companion released that can be installed into the Lawson Grid instead of WebSphere.
John Henley
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That's good news, I will have to check it out.
Thanks for using the forums!
Massimo Emilione
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Yes, as of 10.1.8 there is a version of Grid for companion that no longer needs websphere. We are on LSO and do not have Websphere installed.