LSO and Windows Roaming Profiles

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We've recently encountered an issue with using LSO on client machines using Windows Roaming Profiles.  LSO is deployed as a Microsoft ClickOnce application which both Microsoft and now Lawson support states does not work with Windows Roaming Profiles (Lawson is to update their client requirements documentation for LSO because of this ticket).  ClickOnce does put LSO data and binaries in an area which is not picked up by Windows Roaming Profiles.  This is true for both LSO 9 and 10.  The workaround I devised is basically to substitute the default shortcut for a URL shortcut that goes directly to the .application file on the LSO server so the client first checks to see if ClickOnce pieces are needed, downloads them if needed, then launches LSO.  Since this is done in the user context administrator privs are not needed for this install if run.  If the pieces are there already the client simply launches LSO.     http://serverURL:port/LSO...tps://serverURL:port   This still creates a delay of roughly a minute for some of our Windows Roaming users as this install must happen at first login at the beginning of their day.  Anyone else devised a better solution for this?
Massimo Emilione
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Jim, We;ve been working closely with LSO and Matt Allbee at Lawson and have brought this up on Monday. We have been working through this issue for 2 weeks now with them as we just rolled out our first windows 7 pc with the new roaming profiles policy. It seems funny that it is coincidence that they sent out that article. Lawson has stated the issue is not with LSO but with Microsoft's deployment of the presentation foundation product. Which is pretty funny since they started the roaming profile on Win7. We have pushed the topic to Matt but I am sure it will be some time before it is resolved. In the meantime we are working with our helpdesk to go around the roaming profile in our own network until it is resolved. Our Helpdesk has asked us to use the MSI method, but i do not feel comfortable with that method due to lack of support of a non standard deployment of a lawson product. Mark Cook and myself will be attending Inforum and will be bringing a full list of things that we have address with Matt Allbee. Will you be attending?
Massimo Emilione
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what is the entire url, for some reason it is getting cut off. I would like to test your method out.
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simply going against the .application file with a URL shortcut