Smart Office questions

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David Britton
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We are in the process of rolling out Smart Office to our power users but I have run across a few issues that I have not found answers to in any of the various forums (LawsonGuru, ittoolbox, potatoit/wordpress, nor by googling. All users are on Portal. Currently we are on LSF9.0.1.9 , Sun Solaris, Apps, LAUA security (Lawson Security in progress),  Process Flow (LPA probably 1 1/2 years out) We are on LSO Do not have Lawson Mashup Designer (budget constraints). 1) How to import user shortcuts into LSO. We have users with 20 or more shortcuts to forms and I would like to automatically import those somehow rather than having them recreate them manually. 2) Is Manager Self Service/ Employee Self Service available and if so how do I set it up? David Britton City of High Point, NC (Found the inbasket in Navigator just after I posted this).
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1)  You could create an LSO Canvas .jade file for them to import or double-click on which would add shortcuts to their Navigator favorites or canvas-top in LSO. 2)  Yes.  Under Profile Editor -> PF 3)  We haven't done this yet. Jim
John Henley
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Posted By David Britton on 09/06/2012 09:44 AM 2) Is Manager Self Service/ Employee Self Service available and if so how do I set it up?
ESS/MSS  are not native apps within Smart Office. What you can do is create a shortcut to them in Smart Office so that users can get to them via Smart Office. Typically, however, users wouldn't be using ESS tasks from within Smart Office.
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We used the news readers to basically recreate the links to EMSS from LSO. It was simple, easy to maintain and is easy to add or remove from the canvas. You can then add it to a default canvas and push that out or you can provide simple instructions for the users to add to their canvas. Let me know if you need more details
David Britton
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I created a sample ESS menu using the News Reader as Mark suggested. The sample I created has 3 entries from the Personal Infomation group and 3 items from the Pay group. The XML I created is in a .txt attachment. (XML didn't display correctly here). However I would like to have multiple levels (to replicate the portal ESS structure if possible), titled Personal Information with Leave Balances, Personal Profile and Dependents inside of that and Pay with Tax Withholding, Pay Year to Date and Paychecks inside of that. I have not found documentation/references on the structure for the News Reader XML file.
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David, It looks like from the code you sent you just need to add the Descriptions to provide the breakdown. I have included a screen shot of what we have that sounds like what you are wanting. In addition if you add code like below for headers it sounds like that will give you what you need. Let me know if you need anything Employee Self-Service

This is a component of ESS



David Britton
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Mark, I got this figured out. Thanks a bunch. As I read more in the various forums such as and about LSO I realized I needed to read the RSS specification and in doing so discovered there is limited formatting available and no "hierarchical" structure in RSS. I also discovered the LSO apparently does not support any of the text formatting that RSS does support.