Addins to bring multiple distributions into AP20

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Joe O'Toole
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We import some of our invoice files with IMPORTDB, but would like to develop an interface using Addins. I was looking to hear how others have faired creating an Addin's template for bringing in invoices with multiple details lines (some in excess of 100) into AP20.1. Thanks.

Ruma Malhotra
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There is an kb article that explains the whole process and how to load invoices with multiple distribution lines on AP20 that works. On the first line the addins message is invoice added, distributions out of balance. This message will be repeated on each line until the last line. The message on the last line would be something like more lines exist use pagedown. Remember to go through the article carefully, and map out the invoice amount field and the distribution amount field. the invoice amount will be the total of all the invoice distribution amount lines and the distribution amount will be the amount on each of the invoic lines. Remember you cannot have multiple process level or credit amounts and debit amounts to be uploaded on the same invoice. reason is invoice lines with credit amounts are trated as a different invoice type which lawson recognizes as a credit memo. Hth.
Tom Keller
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Where can I find that article. This would be helpful.
Joe O'Toole
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Ruma, thanks for the info. Are you saying you can't have multiple process level details in general or just only when mixing debits and credits? Since we are retail, we generally post distributions to one process level (company) but multiple accounting units (store). If anyone has that KB # I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Ruma Malhotra
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The KB article # is 958643. If you have one process level you do not have to worry, but you cannot have more than one process levels in general. Also you cannot have debits and credits mixed for one invoice number.

Reason is Lawson treates the credits as "invoice type"- "Credit MEMO"("C" on AP20.


Rani Ilapa
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Hi Ruma, Where can I find KB? I am trying to create a upload query for the Expense invoice with different distributions. But I can only add one line in the invoice not able to add other lines in AP20.2? Could you help me with the query?