AM240 - Disposal Report
**Form Purpose
Run Disposal Report (AM240) to print a report of the assets disposed of
during a specified disposal date range or all recent disposals not yet updated
by book. Since this report prints by book, items are not on the report.
This report includes the proceeds, asset basis, life-to-date depreciation,
asset book value, loss, and gain. The report format is similar to that of the
U.S. tax forms Schedule D, and page 1 of the 4797 form. The report to run for
item disposals is AM245 (Item Disposal Report).
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Used for restart purposes.
MXLISTHDR - Used to validate attribute list header information.
MXLISTMBR - Used to validate and retrieve attribute list information.
Referenced Files
AMASSET - Used to retrieve asset information for disposal records. Used
to store asset records. This file also contains many of the
selection and sorting fields that are used for reporting.
AMASSETDSP - Used to retrieve asset disposal information. This file
contains historical asset information related to disposals. It
is updated by AM40.1 (Disposals).
AMASTBKDSP - Used to retrieve asset book disposal information. This file
contains historical asset book information related to disposals
from AM40.1 (Disposals), AM40.2 (Items), and AM40.3 (Gain or
AMASTBOOK - Used to retrieve asset book information. Used to store the
asset book records that are used to depreciate assets.
AMASTMXVAL - Used to retrieve asset attribute values.
AMASTTYPE - Used to validate asset type.
AMBOOK - Used to retrieve and validate book information. Used to store
the asset book records that are used to depreciate assets.
AMCALENDAR - Used to retrieve date information for each book.
AMCONTROL - Used to verify that the company is used by the Asset
Management system.
AMDIVISION - Used to validate division information.
AMDSPPROP - Used to verify and validate disposal properties.
AMLOCATION - Used to validate location information.
GLADDRESS - Used by a common library, not by this program.
GLCGCPY - Used to validate the company group.
GLCHART - Used by a common library, not by this program.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate the company.
MXCATDEF - Used to retrieve attribute definition information.
MXELEMENT - Used to retrieve attribute definition information.
MXLISTDTL - Used to retrieve attribute list detail information.
MXOBJCAT - Used to validate and retrieve attributes.
INVOKED Programs