AP151 - Bill of Exchange Generation
**Form Purpose
Run Bill of Exchange Generation (AP151) to schedule invoices that are to be
paid with a bill of exchange and to generate bills of exchange for the
invoices selected. AP151 selects invoices by due date as well as invoices
marked for immediate payment.
The program creates a listing of the number of invoices selected and bills of
exchange generated. The listing also indicates which individual bills of
exchange are for pay vendors that share multiple invoiced vendors.
**More Information
If you run AP151 with No in the Update field, the program creates a listing
of invoices that are scheduled for payment. If the listing includes invoices
you do not want scheduled for payment in the current payment cycle, you have
several options to prevent these invoices from being selected.
- Change invoice due dates in AP30.3 (Payment Schedule Adjustment). Re-run
AP151 with No in the Update field.
- Place selected invoices or vendors on hold in AP40 (Hold Selection). Re-run
AP151 with No in the Update field.
- Assign a user-defined invoice group to the invoices you want scheduled for
payment in AP30.3 (Payment Schedule Adjustment). Run AP151 for the invoice
- Assign a pay immediately indicator to the invoices you want scheduled for
payment in AP30.3 (Payment Schedule Adjustment) or AP40.1 (Invoice Hold
Selection). Run AP151 with Yes in the Pay Immediately Only field.
Remember, as long as you select No in the Update field, you can make changes
and rerun AP151 as many times as needed until the listing includes only the
invoices you want scheduled for payment. Select Yes in the Update field to
actually select invoices and generate bills of exchange.
After you generate bills of exchange by selecting Yes in the Update field,
run AP156 (Bill of Exchange Printing) to print bills of exchange.
Updated Files
APDRAFTS - Updates bill of exchange records.
APDRFTDIST - Creates bill of exchange distribution records.
APPAYMENT - Updates payment records.
APVENBAL - Updates vendor balances.
CBBANKENT - Validates bank and updates used flag.
CBBANKINST - Validates payment code and updates used flag.
CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.
CBCPYCASH - Validates company-cash code relationship and updates used flag.
CKPOINT - Used to store restart information.
Referenced Files
APACCRCODE - Validates invoice accrual code.
APCOMPANY - Updates last bill of exchange number on company file.
APDRFTCDES - Validates bill of exchange accrual code.
APINVOICE - Retrieves information on invoice record for report.
APPROCLEV - Validates process level.
APVENCLASS - Validates vendor class.
APVENGROUP - Used by bill of exchange common routine.
APVENLOC - Used by bill of exchange common routine.
APVENMAST - Retrieves vendor information for report and used by bill of
exchange common routine.
CBUSER - Validates user can access cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.
CUCONV - Retrieves current currency exchange rate.
CURELAT - Validates currency relationship.
GLADDRESS - Retrieves company name.
GLCODES - Validates bill of exchange date availability.
GLINTCO - Validates intercompany relationship.
GLSYSTEM - Validates general ledger company.
INVOKED Programs