AR245 - Disputed Transaction Report
**Form Purpose
Run Disputed Transaction Report (AR245) to print a report of transactions
currently or previously in dispute for a company.
The report includes information entered in AR45.1 (Disputes) for each
disputed transaction selected. If you leave the Dispute Code field blank, the
listing page breaks by dispute code. The report sorts in dispute code,
customer, transaction type, and transaction number order and includes both
dispute code and report totals.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ARCOMMENT - Accesses transaction comments.
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARCUSTOMER - Accesses customer information.
ARDISPUTE - Accesses dispute information.
AROITEMS - Accesses open item information.
CUSTDESC - Accesses customer name.
DISPCODES - Accesses dispute code information.
INVOKED Programs