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                             CUSTDESC FILE

                           AR Group Customer

The AR Group Customer file contains customer master records. These records
contain company independent information. Customer number, name, address and
total open balance are some examples of company independent information stored


AC551     AP10.1    AP10.4    AP125     AP126     AP131
AP20.1    AP20.2    AP20.3    AP20.4    AP20.5    AP20.7
AP23.1    AP25.1    AP25.2    AP26.1    AP27.1    AP30.4
AP90.9    API1.1    AR00.1    AR10.1    AR100     AR105
AR11.1    AR110     AR12.1    AR12.2    AR132     AR136
AR140     AR141     AR150     AR155     AR161     AR17.1
AR191     AR199     AR209     AR210     AR211     AR212
AR213     AR217     AR219     AR220     AR222     AR227
AR228     AR230     AR232     AR233     AR235     AR242
AR245     AR25.1    AR25.2    AR250     AR251     AR253
AR255     AR256     AR260     AR261     AR271     AR274
AR275     AR282     AR286     AR287     AR290     AR291
AR292     AR293     AR294     AR295     AR300     AR36.2
AR45.1    AR50.1    AR53.1    AR70.2    AR72.1    AR74.1
AR75.1    AR80.1    AR80.2    AR90.1    AR95.1    BR10.1
BR11.1    BR120     BR121     BR122     BR123     BR15.1
BR151     BR152     BR155     BR156     BR16.1    BR16.2
BR20.7    BR21.1    BR210     BR211     BR215     BR220
BR251     BR252     BR253     BR420     BR450     BR51.1
BR51.2    BR52.1    BR52.2    BR521     BR53.1    BR55.1
BR55.2    BR91.1    BRIP.1    BRPI.1    CB06.2    DT161
DT220     DT270     DT280     DT42.1    DT52.1    DT95.1
GL286     GL287     IC02.1    IC28.1    IC531     MA180
MA41.2    MA41.7    MA43.1    MA43.2    MA43.3    MA43.9
MA530     MA531     MA60.2    MA60.3    MA60.5    MA61.1
MA66.2    MA66.3    MA67.1    MA67.2    MA70.1    MA75.1
MA80.1    MAI1.1    PBIP.1    PO100     PO101     PO122
PO131     PO20.1    PO21.1    PO21.2    PO21.3    PO21.4
PO21.5    PO22.1    PO23.1    PO25.1    PO25.5    PO25.6
PO25.7    PO27.2    PO29.1    PO30.1    PO30.2    PO30.3
PO300     PO31.1    PO31.2    PO32.2    PO33.1    PO34.1
PO35.1    PO36.1    PO36.2    PO38.1    PO39.1    PO39.2
PO44.1    PO50.1    PO52.1    PO520     PO536     POI3.1
POII.1    POIJ.1    PR197     RQ10.1    RQ10.2    RQ10.3
RQIE.1    IN20.1    TX100     TX130     TX140     TX40.1
WH110     WH120     WH130     WH132     WH190     WH21.2
WH224     WH30.1    WH30.2    WH30.3    WH30.4    WH31.1
WH31.2    WH31.3    WH31.4    WH32.1    WH32.2    WH32.3
WH32.4    WH33.5    WH34.1    WH34.2    WH34.3    WH34.4
WH40.1    WH40.2    WH520     WH830     WO30.1


AM115     AM15.1    AM15.2    AM15.3    AM15.4    AM20.1
AM20.3    AM21.1    AM21.3    AM500     AM51.1    AM551
AM97.1    API3.1    API4.1    AR09.1    AR115     AR124
AR129     AR13.1    AR13.2    AR130     AR131     AR135
AR137     AR180     AR190     AR20.1    AR21.1    AR21.2
AR21.3    AR24.1    AR28.1    AR29.1    AR29.3    AR30.1
AR30.2    AR30.3    AR30.4    AR30.8    AR301     AR31.6
AR35.1    AR35.2    AR37.1    AR37.2    AR37.3    AR37.4
AR37.5    AR37.6    AR37.7    AR42.1    AR42.2    AR42.6
AR42.7    AR43.1    AR44.3    AR48.3    AR48.4    AR501
AR502     AR505     AR550     AR560     AR570     AR575
AR580     AR82.1    CB191     DT150     DT155     DT160
DT165     DT166     DT180     DT181     DT30.1    DT30.2
DT40.1    DT45.1    DT520     DT60.1    DT60.2    DT70.1
DT70.3    DT80.1    DT85.1    DT85.2    DT90.1    DT92.1
IC840     PR05.1    PR05.3    PR226     PR247     PR26.1
PR47.1    PR514     UK47.1    WH20.7


CUD-CUST-GROUP         Alpha 5                                   AR09.1  AR501
Element: Customer GroupCustomer group. A customer group          AR550
                       defines the customer number definition
                       and allows one or more companies to use
                       the same customer.

CUD-CUSTOMER           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                AR09.1  AR501
Element: Customer NumbeCustomer number.                          AR550

CUD-SEARCH-NAME        Alpha 30                                  AR09.1  AR501
Element: Search Name   This is to search for a customer online   AR550
                       and also used for sorting purposes on AR
                       reports. If left blank when adding a
                       customer, the characters of the customer
                       name will default.

CUD-NAME               Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR09.1  AR293
Element: Customer Name The name/description of the customer.     AR35.1  AR37.2
                                                                 AR501   AR550

CUD-ADDR1              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR09.1  AR501
Element: Address 1     This field contains the first line of     AR550   TX130
                       address information.

CUD-ADDR2              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR09.1  AR501
Element: Address 1                                               AR550

CUD-ADDR3              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR09.1  AR501
Element: Address 1                                               AR550

CUD-ADDR4              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR09.1  AR501
Element: Address 1                                               AR550

CUD-CITY               Alpha 18  (Lower Case)                    AR09.1  AR501
Element: City          This field contains the city of the       AR550   TX130

CUD-STATE              Alpha 2                                   AR09.1  AR501
Element: State or ProviThis field contains the two character     AR550
                       state or province code of the address.

CUD-ZIP                Alpha 10                                  AR09.1  AR501
Element: Postal Code   Postal code.                              AR550   TX130

CUD-COUNTRY            Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR09.1  AR501
Element: Country or OthThis field contains the country of the    AR550
                       address, or it can be used for
                       additional information such as an
                       attention name.

CUD-COUNTY             Alpha 25  (Lower Case)                    AR09.1  AR501
Element: County        This field contains the county of the     AR550
                       address, or it can be used for
                       additional information such as an
                       attention name.

CUD-CONTACT            Alpha 20                                  AR09.1  AR501
Element: Primary ContacPrimary contact name for this customer.   AR550

CUD-TITLE              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AR09.1  AR501
Element: Title         Title of primary contact name.            AR550

CUD-INT-PREFIX         Alpha 6                                   AR09.1  AR501
Element: International International Prefix for customer's       AR550
                       telephone number.

CUD-PHONE-NMBR         Alpha 15                                  AR09.1  AR501
Element: Telephone NumbCustomer's telephone number.              AR550

CUD-PHONE-EXT          Alpha 5                                   AR09.1  AR501
Element: Telephone ExteTelephone extension number.               AR550

CUD-DUNN-CD            Alpha 3                                   AR09.1  AR501
Dun & Bradstreet       This field will contain the Dun &         AR550
Code                   Bradstreet rating code for this

CUD-DUNN-DATE          Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AR09.1  AR501
Dun & Bradstreet       This field will contain the date that     AR550
Date                   the last Dun & Bradstreet rating code
                       was assigned.

CUD-DUNN-NUMBER        Numeric 9                                 AR09.1  AR501
Dun & Bradstreet       This is the number that has been          AR550
Number                 assigned by Dun & Bradstreet.

CUD-HOLD-CODE          Alpha 4                                   AR09.1  AR501
Element: Hold Code     Customer Hold Code. Provided by the       AR550
                       Lawson Accounts Receivable System to be
                       used by the Lawson Order Entry or
                       external order processing systems.

CUD-OPEN-ORDS          Signed 15.2                               AR501   AR502
Element: Open Order TotThis is the total open orders for all     AR560   WH20.7
                       companies with this customer. It will be
                       updated by an external order processing
                       system via an application program
                       interface program.

CUD-CURR-BAL           Signed 15.2                               AR115   AR124
Element: Current BalancThis is the current non bill of           AR129   AR13.1
                       exchange balance for this customer;       AR13.2  AR130
                       cumulative for all companies.             AR131   AR135
                                                                 AR137   AR180
                                                                 AR190   AR20.1
                                                                 AR21.1  AR21.2
                                                                 AR21.3  AR24.1
                                                                 AR28.1  AR29.1
                                                                 AR29.3  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.3
                                                                 AR30.4  AR30.8
                                                                 AR31.6  AR35.1
                                                                 AR35.2  AR37.1
                                                                 AR37.2  AR37.3
                                                                 AR37.4  AR37.5
                                                                 AR37.6  AR37.7
                                                                 AR42.1  AR42.2
                                                                 AR42.6  AR42.7
                                                                 AR43.1  AR44.3
                                                                 AR48.3  AR502
                                                                 AR505   AR560
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB191   DT150
                                                                 DT155   DT160
                                                                 DT165   DT166
                                                                 DT180   DT181
                                                                 DT30.1  DT30.2
                                                                 DT40.1  DT45.1

CUD-DRAFT-BAL          Signed 15.2                               AR115   AR129
Bill of Exchange       This is the current bill of exchange      AR13.1  AR13.2
Balance                balance for this customer; cumulative     AR130   AR131
                       for all companies.                        AR135   AR137
                                                                 AR180   AR190
                                                                 AR28.1  AR29.1
                                                                 AR29.3  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.3
                                                                 AR30.4  AR30.8
                                                                 AR31.6  AR35.1
                                                                 AR35.2  AR37.1
                                                                 AR37.2  AR37.3
                                                                 AR37.4  AR37.5
                                                                 AR37.6  AR37.7
                                                                 AR42.1  AR42.2
                                                                 AR42.6  AR42.7
                                                                 AR43.1  AR44.3
                                                                 AR48.3  AR502
                                                                 AR505   AR560
                                                                 AR82.1  DT150
                                                                 DT155   DT160
                                                                 DT165   DT166
                                                                 DT180   DT181
                                                                 DT30.1  DT30.2
                                                                 DT40.1  DT45.1
                                                                 DT520   DT60.1
                                                                 DT60.2  DT70.1
                                                                 DT70.3  DT80.1
                                                                 DT85.1  DT85.2
                                                                 DT90.1  DT92.1

CUD-ORDER-LIM          Signed 15.0                               AR09.1  AR501
Element: Order Limit   Order Limit for a given customer across   AR550
                       all AR companies.

CUD-CREDIT-LIM         Signed 15.0                               AR09.1  AR501
Element: Credit Limit  Maximum amount of credit extended to a    AR550

CUD-OVR-ADDR-FL        Alpha 1                                   AR09.1  AR501
Element: Override AddreOverride Address Flag. Used by the        AR550
                       Lawson Order Entry system for one time

CUD-TAX-ID             Alpha 20                                  AR09.1  AR501
Element: Tax ID        This is the Tax ID of the Customer.       AR550

CUD-VENDOR-GROUP       Alpha 4                                   AM115   AM15.1
Element: Vendor Group  A vendor group represents a group of      AM15.2  AM15.3
                       vendors that can be shared by one or      AM15.4  AM20.1
                       more companies.                           AM20.3  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.3  AM500
                                                                 AM51.1  AM551
                                                                 AM97.1  API3.1
                                                                 API4.1  AR09.1
                                                                 AR48.4  IC840
                                                                 PR05.1  PR05.3
                                                                 PR226   PR247
                                                                 PR26.1  PR47.1
                                                                 PR514   UK47.1

CUD-VENDOR             Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                AM115   AM15.1
Element: Vendor ID     The vendor's identification code.         AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.3  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.3  AM500
                                                                 AM51.1  AM551
                                                                 AM97.1  API3.1
                                                                 API4.1  AR09.1
                                                                 AR48.4  IC840
                                                                 PR05.1  PR05.3
                                                                 PR226   PR247
                                                                 PR26.1  PR47.1
                                                                 PR514   UK47.1

Element: Current BOE BaThis is the balance for this customer;
                       cumulative of all companies.

CUD-COUNTRY-CODE       Alpha 2                                   AR09.1  AR501
Element: Country Code  The country code.  Required for VAT and   AR550
                       intrastat reporting.  Must be defined in
                        IN01.1 (Country Maintenance).

CUD-REGION             Alpha 2                                   AR09.1  AR501
Element: Region Code   The region code, if applicable for the    AR550
                       country. Used by Intrastat. Must be
                       defined in IN02.1 (Region Maintenance)

                         CUSTDESC FILE INDEX


CUDSET1   CUST-GROUP    This is the primary path used to access  AC551   AM115
          CUSTOMER      customer description records.            AM15.1  AM15.2
                                                                 AM15.3  AM15.4
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.3
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.3
                                                                 AM500   AM51.1
                                                                 AM551   AM97.1
                                                                 AP10.1  AP10.4
                                                                 AP125   AP126
                                                                 AP131   AP20.1
                                                                 AP20.2  AP20.3
                                                                 AP20.4  AP20.5
                                                                 AP20.7  AP23.1
                                                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP26.1  AP27.1

CUDSET2   DUNN-NUMBER   This path is used to access customer     AR09.1  AR501
          CUST-GROUP    description records in Dun number order. AR550

                        KeyChange, Subset
                        Where DUNN-NUMBER != Zeroes

CUDSET4   CUST-GROUP    This path is used to access customer     AR210   AR301
          SEARCH-NAME   description records in search name
          CUSTOMER      order.

CUDSET5   ZIP           This path is used to access customer     AR209
          CUST-GROUP    description records in postal code
          CUSTOMER      order.

CUDSET6   PHONE-NMBR    This path is used to access customer
          CUST-GROUP    description records in telephone number
          CUSTOMER      order.

CUDSET8   CUST-GROUP    This path is used to access customer
          CITY          description records in city, state and
          STATE         search name order.
          SEARCH-NAME   KeyChange

                         CUSTDESC FILE RELATIONS



Arcustgroup    ARCUSTGRP    Required

                            CUD-CUST-GROUP    -> ACG-CUST-GROUP  (ACGSET1)

                         CUSTDESC FILE RELATIONS



Arcustomer     ARCUSTOMER

                            CUD-CUSTOMER      -> ACM-CUSTOMER

Billto         BILLTO

                            CUD-CUST-GROUP    -> ABS-CUST-GROUP
                            CUD-CUSTOMER      -> ABS-CUSTOMER

Dtcustbank     DTCUSTBANK

                            CUD-CUST-GROUP    -> DTB-CUST-GROUP
                            Zeroes            -> DTB-COMPANY
                            CUD-CUSTOMER      -> DTB-CUSTOMER

Ftcustgrp      FTCUSTGRP

                            CUD-CUST-GROUP    -> FTG-CUST-GROUP
                            Zeroes            -> FTG-COMPANY
                            CUD-CUSTOMER      -> FTG-CR-CUSTOMER