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AR300 - Transaction Purge

**Form Purpose
Run Transaction Purge (AR300) to delete selected records from the Lawson
Accounts Receivable system.

The report creates a listing of deleted records for each report option you
select. You have the option to copy deleted records to disk. The output file
contains the information included on each listing.

Warning This program permanently deletes data. Before you run this program,
back up your data according to your organization's procedures. Before you
submit the report, carefully review the parameters.

Updated Files

    ARADJUST   - Deletes adjustment records.

    ARAPHUF    -

    ARAPMUF    -

    ARAPPLIED  - Deletes applied records.


    ARARHUF    -

    ARCOMMENT  - Deletes comment records.

    ARDISPUTE  - Deletes dispute records.

    ARDISTRIB  - Deletes distribution records.


    AROITEMS   - Deletes open item records.

    ARPREPAY   - Deletes payment pre-payment records.

    ARPYMNTHDR - Deletes payment header records.

    ARREMIT    - Deletes remit records.

    ARRTM      - Deletes return to maker records.

    ARRTMADJ   - Deletes return to maker adjustment records.



    ARUOIHDR   -


    ARURTM     -

    BLINVHDR   - Deletes invoice header records.

    CKPOINT    - Creates and deletes check point record.

    FTTRANS    - Deletes FTTRANS records for an AROITEMS record.

    NOTICEWRK  - Deletes notice work records.

    REVERSEDTL - Deletes reverse detail records.

Referenced Files

    ARAPHUF    -

    ARAPMUF    -

    ARARHUF    -

    ARCOMP     - Validates AR company.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Validates customer group.

    AROIHDR    - Deletes open item header records.

    AROITEMS   - Deletes open item records.

    ARPAYMENT  - Deletes payment records.

    ARPROCLEVL - Validates process level.

    ARPYMNTHDR - Deletes payment header records.

    CUSTDESC   - Obtains customer name.

    REVERSE    - Deletes reverse records.

INVOKED Programs
