AR261 - Customer Credit Alert
**Form Purpose
Run Customer Credit Alert (AR261) as a Lawson Process Agent, or as part of
the Workflow system.
**More Information
Using AR261 as a Lawson Process Agent:
Run AR261 to create a CSV file that can be imported into word processing
software to create notification letters for a customer who exceeds a
percentage of their credit limit.
Customers are selected for notification letters at the customer group level,
when the current balance, plus the open order amount, is greater than the
customer credit limit by the Over Limit Percent that you enter.
Use the LAWSON INSIGHT File Transfer utility to transfer the CSV file from
the server to a PC. The file name should be: csalert.csv
Use a Lawson Process Agent to create and print the word processing document
alerting a customer that they have exceeded their credit limit.
To activate the Lawson Process Agent:
1. Open the file c:\lawson\samples\proagent\csalert1.psp
2. Select the Run icon on the Process Agent toolbar.
Using AR261 as part of the Workflow system:
If the Lawson Workflow system is installed, run AR261 to create a work unit
record to be processed by the Workflow Open Messaging Architecture.
Customers are selected for notification at the customer group level, when the
current balance, plus the open order amount, is equal to or greater than the
percent of credit limit that you enter.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ARCUSTGRP - Used to select customers for credit alert letters.
CUSTDESC - Used to select customers for credit alert letters.