Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AR570 - Lock Box Interface

**Form Purpose
Run Lock Box Interface (AR570) to import payments to the Lawson Accounts
Receivable system from a file created by an external source.

The file must be formatted in a standard BAI (Bank Administration Institute)

**Processing Effect
The program edits the external data to protect the integrity of the Accounts
Receivable data. The program creates a report in payment number order that
includes each field that failed an edit, the field data, a description of the
error, and totals for the number of records processed, payments added, and
total errors.

The currency of the cash code associated with the lock lox is the currency of
all payments associated with the lock box. The amount of each payment is
assumed to be in the transaction currency of the payment. The original,
transaction amount is preserved, and the payment amount is converted to the
company base currency.

If the associated lock box company flag for Edit Remittance = Y, then
remittance records will be edited against valid open items for the payment
customer (or customer within the national account relationship). Interface
remittance records that do not match open transactions, duplicate unassigned
payments, and payment records in error, will be noted on the report and

Updated Files

    ACCOMMIT   -


    ARAPPLIED  - Updates application records as part of common release logic.
                 (AR570 does not update application records)

    ARCOMP     - Updates last automatic batch number.

    ARCUSTOMER - Updates last payment information. Updates balance.

    ARCUSTPER  - Updates customer period total for the payments entered.

    ARDISTRIB  - Creates summary batch distribution records for cash and
                 received not applied.

    ARILOCKBOX - Deletes interface lock box records after like records are

    ARPAYMENT  - Creates payment records.

    ARPROCLEVL - Process level used flag updated.

    ARPYMNTHDR - Payment header records created.

    ARREMIT    - Payment remittance records created.

    ARSUMMARY  - Updates summary records for payment amount entered.



    CBBANKENT  - Validates bank. Sets the used flag to Yes.

    CBBANKINST - Validates the payment code. Sets the used flag to Yes.

    CBCASHCODE - Validates the cash code. Sets the used flag to Yes.

    CBCPYCASH  - Validates the cash code for the company. Sets the used flag to

    CBDISTRIB  - Generates cash ledger distributions for the payments entered.

    CBTRANS    - Generates cash ledger transaction records for the payments

    CKPOINT    - Use in program re-start logic.

    CUSTDESC   - Updates customer description balance.

    FRISALES   -

    GLCOMMIT   -


    NATBALANCE - National account balance updated.

    TXCODEMAST - Validates tax code flag.

    TXCOMPANY  - Validates tax code company.

    TXTAXCODE  - Validates tax codes.

    TXTAXTABLE - Validates tax table transaction records.

    TXTAXTRAN  - Creates tax transaction records for distribution taxable
                 distribution lines.

Referenced Files


    ACACTGRP   -


    APACCRCODE - Used as part of vendor validation.

    APCOMPANY  - Used as part of vendor validation.

    APVENGROUP - Used as part of vendor validation.

    ARCODE     - Obtains received not applied AR code.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Validates part of company information.

    ARLOCKBOX  - Obtains default cash code and process level information.

    ARMICRCUST - Accesses MICR/customer cross reference relationships.

    AROIHDR    - Accessed in an API called by AR570.

    AROITEMS   - Use as part of common release logic.

    ARSADJUST  - Temporary cash application adjustment record created.

    ARSAPPLIED - Temporary cash application record created.

    CBADJUST   - Used in cash ledger processing.

    CBBALANCE  - Used in cash ledger processing.



    CBUSER     - Determines user access to cash ledger.

    CBUSRCLASS - Determines user access to cash ledger.

    CUCONV     - Obtains currency conversion rates.

    CURELAT    - Verifies currency relationships.


    GLADDRESS  - Validates part of company information.

    GLCHART    - Used as part of general ledger account validation.

    GLCODES    - Validates deposit (general ledger) date within valid date

    GLNAMES    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Validates part of company information.

    NATACCT    - Accesses national account relationships for national account
                 balance updating.



    TXTAXRATE  - Validates tax rate.

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
