AR255 - National Account Aging Report
**Form Purpose
Run National Account Aging Report (AR255) to print a transaction aging
listing for all national account customers or an individual national account
customer. The report is created as of the date you select, which allows an
accurate aging at any point within the current or previous general ledger
period. You can define aging periods and options or leave the fields blank to
use the aging options defined for the customer group in AR00.1 (Customer
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ARADJUST - Used as part of open item application amount logic.
ARAPPLIED - Computes open transaction amount.
ARCOMP - Computes open transaction amount.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates part of company information.
ARCUSTOMER - Accesses customer information.
ARCUSTPER - Accesses customer period totals information.
ARDISPUTE - Determines dispute amounts to be aged.
ARDRAFTS - Accesses bill of exchange information.
ARITEMAUD - Used as part of transferred open item logic.
AROIHDR - Accesses open item header information.
AROITEMS - Accesses open item detail information.
ARPAYMENT - Accesses payment detail information.
CUSTDESC - Obtains customer name.
GLADDRESS - Validates part of company information.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart information.
GLSYSTEM - Validates part of company information.
NATACCT - Accesses national account relationships.
NATBALANCE - Accesses national account balance information.
INVOKED Programs