CB01.1 - Credit Risk
**Form Purpose
Use Credit Risk (CB01.1) to define credit lines used for remitting bills of
exchange at a discount if you use the Lawson Accounts Receivable system and
perform bank risk processing.
Updated Files
CBCREDRISK - Creates credit risk records.
Referenced Files
CBBANKENT - Used to validate bank.
CB01.2 - BOE Payment Formats
**Form Purpose
Use BOE Payment Formats (CB01.2) to define the format of bill of exchange
payments you create in the Lawson Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable
systems. A bill of exchange payment format represents a printed bill of
exchange form or type of tape.
**More Information
Define a bill of exchange payment format for each company that uses the bill
of exchange payment transaction codes (which represent types of bill of
exchange payments) you defined in CB00.4 (Bank Transaction Definition).
Updated Files
CBDRFTFORM - Creates bill of exchange payment format records.
Referenced Files
CBBANKINST - Validates bank transaction code.
GLADDRESS - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
GLSYSTEM - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
CB01.3 - Cash Code Security
**Form Purpose
Use Cash Code Security (CB01.3) to assign a user class to a cash code. Use
CB04.1 (Cash Ledger User Class) to define user classes.
**More Information
If you assign a user class to a cash code, only users that belong to the user
class can display or maintain information for the cash code throughout the
Lawson Cash Ledger system, but does not restrict access to CB00.2 (Cash Code).
Use Lawson User Security to restrict access to this program.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
INVOKED Programs