PA243 - Requisition Log
**Form Purpose
Run Requisition Log (PA243) to print a summary of requisitions.
The report groups the requisitions by number and lists the requisition
description, open date, closed date, current status, total number of open jobs
or positions, total number of jobs or positions which remain open, the number
of applicants who applied for the requisition, the number of applicants for
interviewed for the position, the offers extended for the requisition, the
offers accepted for the requisition, and the offers declined for the
requisition. Both head count and FTE are displayed for openings and remaining
You can choose to include the applicants who applied for each requisition on
the report. Use the Drill Around feature to view details for a requisition.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
APPLICANT - The Applicant file contains information about applicants.
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file contains information about employees.
EMSTATUS - The Employee/Applicant Status file is used to verify
applicants and employees.
INTERVIEW - The Applicant Interview file is accessed by this report.
PAJOBREQ - The Job Requisition file is accessed by this report.
PAREQAPP - The Job Requisition Application file is accessed by this
PAREQLOG - The Job Requisition Logfile is accessed by this report.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the