TM250 - Attendance Code Distribution Report
**Form Purpose
Run Attendance Code Distribution Report (TM250) to print a report of
attendance information for a specific attendance code.
The report sorts in descending date order, and breaks by distribution process
level and distribution department. Totals display for distribution department,
distribution process level, and company.
You can run the report for the company or for a specific process level or
department; and within those parameters, for a specific date range or day of
the week.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ATTENDCODE - Used to validate the attendance code and to retrieve the
attendance code description for the report.
ATTENDHIST - Used to retrieve an employee's attendance history for the
DEPTCODE - Used to validate the distribution department that is used as
record selection criteria.
EMPLOYEE - Used to retrieve an employee's name for the report.
PRSYSTEM - Used to validate the company and distribution process level.
The distribution process level is used as record selection