Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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CU61.1 - Maintain Translation Rates

Use Maintain Translation Rates (CU61.1) to view and maintain
currency table translation rates imported from a non-Lawson environment
(a spreadsheet for example) into the CUTRATEREL (UNIX/Windows) or
DBIFCUL (System i) file before you interface it to the
Lawson Currency system. This form is used to verify your information
transferred to the Lawson system correctly.

**More Information

Before you interface translation rates:

- Define all the currency relationships for which you
are interfacing data on Currency Relationship (CU02.1).

- Define all the translation codes you are interfacing
on Translation Codes (CU05.2).

- If you are interfacing translation rates for a currency
table, define the currency table on Currency Table (CU00.1).

- If you are interfacing translation rates for a company
or company group, the company or companies must be set up on Company

- If you are interfacing translation rates for a budget,
define the budget on Period Budget, Rate (FB20.1)

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    CUCODES    -

    CURELAT    -

    CUTABLE    -

    TRCODES    -

CU61.2 - Maintain Company Translation Rates

Use Maintain Co Translation Rates (CU61.2) to view and maintain
company currency translation rates imported from a non-Lawson environment
into the CUTRATEREL (UNIX/Windows) or DBIFCUL (System i)
file, before you interface the data to the Lawson Currency system.
This form is used to verify that your information transferred to the
Lawson system correctly.

**More Information

Before you interface translation rates:

- Define all the currency relationships for which you
are interfacing data on Currency Relationship (CU02.1)

- Define all the translation codes you are interfacing
on Translation Codes (CU05.2).

- If you are interfacing translation rates for a currency
table, define the currency table on Currency Table (CU00.1)

- If you are interfacing translation rates for a company
or company group, the company or companies must be set up on Company

- If you are interfacing translation rates for a budget,
define the budget on Period Budget, Rate (FB20.1)

Use the Rates button to open Period Rates (CU61.3) and view
and maintain the period rates for each currency relationship and translation
code in the CUTRATEREL (UNIX/Windows) or DBIFCUL (System i) file.

Updated Files

    ADDRDATA   -


Referenced Files

    CUCODES    -

    CURELAT    -


    GLCHART    -

    GLSYSTEM   -


    TRCODES    -

INVOKED Programs
