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                             ONETMDED FILE

                       Payroll One-time Deduction

This file has two purposes in the Payroll system. PR140 (Earnings and
Deductions Calculation) uses this file to create arrears deductions when the
system cannot take an employee deduction in a payroll cycle. Secondly, you can
create Payroll One-time Deduction file records in PR39.1 (One Time Deduction).

If an Employee Deduction file record does not exist when you add a one-time
deduction, PR39.1 (One Time Deduction) creates one. One-time deductions follow
a status flow similar to time records (see the Status field in the Payroll
One-time Deduction file). After PR140 (Earnings and Deductions Calculation)
takes a Payroll One-time Deduction file record, PR199 (Payroll Close) deletes
the deduction.


BN100     BN101     BN102     BN103     BN104     BN105
BN145     BN150     BN245     BN31.1    BN31.2    BN32.1
BN32.2    BN32.3    BN45.1    BN531     BN65.1    BN71.1
BN72.1    BS13.1    BS14.1    BS15.1    BS32.1    ET530
ETI2.1    LP130     PR05.1    PR128     PR130     PR131
PR132     PR134     PR136     PR14.1    PR14.2    PR15.1
PR15.2    PR205     PR214     PR239     PR26.1    PR26.2
PR29.1    PR32.2    PR33.2    PR33.3    PR35.1    PR35.2
PR35.3    PR35.4    PR35.5    PR35.6    PR35.8    PR35.9
PR47.1    PR47.2    PR514     PR529     PR530     PR560
PR82.1    UK102     UK47.1    UK47.2    UK560     TA147


BN305     BN66.1    ETI1.1    HR11.1    HR11.2    HR511
PA02.1    PA100     PA102     PA115     PA13.1    PA13.2
PA502     PA513     PA52.1    PA52.3    PA52.4    PA52.5
PR110     PR113     PR120     PR13.1    PR13.5    PR13.6
PR13.8    PR137     PR139     PR140     PR189     PR195
PR197     PR36.1    PR38.1    PR39.1    PR39.2    PR45.1
PR539     PR80.1    PR80.3    PR89.1    PR999


OTD-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Company Hr                                              PR139   PR140
                                                                 PR189   PR195
                                                                 PR39.1  PR39.2
                                                                 PR539   PR80.1
                                                                 PR80.3  PR89.1

OTD-EMPLOYEE           Numeric 9                                 BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Employee      Valid in the Employee file.               PR139   PR140
                                                                 PR189   PR195
                                                                 PR39.1  PR39.2
                                                                 PR539   PR80.1
                                                                 PR80.3  PR89.1

OTD-DED-CODE           Alpha 4                                   BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Ded Code      Valid in the Deduction file.              PR139   PR140
                                                                 PR189   PR195
                                                                 PR39.1  PR39.2
                                                                 PR539   PR80.1
                                                                 PR80.3  PR89.1

OTD-EDM-SEQ-NBR        Numeric 4                                 BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Edm Seq Nbr   Contains an automatically assigned        PR139   PR140
                       number to keep records unique.            PR189   PR195
                                                                 PR39.1  PR39.2
                                                                 PR539   PR80.1
                                                                 PR80.3  PR89.1

OTD-SEQ-NBR            Numeric 4                                 BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Seq Nbr       Contains the one-time deduction           PR139   PR140
                       sequence number. The value in this field  PR189   PR195
                       is automatically sequenced based on the   PR39.1  PR39.2
                       value in the Last Deduction Sequence Nbr  PR539   PR80.1
                       field in the Employee file.               PR80.3  PR89.1

OTD-PROCESS-LEVEL      Alpha 5                                   BN305   BN66.1
Element: Process Lev HrContains the employee's process level.    ETI1.1  HR11.1
                       The value in this field defaults from     HR11.2  HR511
                       the Process Level field in the Employee   PA02.1  PA100
                       file. When you update processed one-time  PA102   PA115
                       deductions the system uses the value in   PA13.1  PA13.2
                       this field to set the PR140 (Earnings     PA502   PA513
                       and Deductions Calculation) run flag to   PA52.1  PA52.3
                       spaces for this process level.            PA52.4  PA52.5
                                                                 PR110   PR113
                       When you run PR199 (Payroll Close) by     PR120   PR13.1
                       process level, the system uses the value  PR13.5  PR13.6
                       in this field to determine if the         PR13.8  PR139
                       one-time deduction should be updated      PR140   PR189
                       during the run.                           PR195   PR39.1
                                                                 PR39.2  PR539
                                                                 PR80.1  PR80.3

OTD-DED-AMT            Signed 13.2                               BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Ded Amt       Contains the deduction amount entered     PR139   PR140
                       in PR39.1 (One Time Deduction) or         PR189   PR195
                       calculated by PR140 (Earnings and         PR39.1  PR39.2
                       Deductions Calculation).                  PR539   PR80.1
                                                                 PR80.3  PR89.1

OTD-EFFECT-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Effect Date   Contains the effective date of the        PR139   PR140
                       one-time deduction. For the system to     PR189   PR195
                       take the deduction, the value in this     PR39.1  PR39.2
                       field must be equal or less than the      PR539   PR80.1
                       payment date entered in PR140 (Earnings   PR80.3  PR89.1
                       and Deductions Calculation).

OTD-DED-TYPE           Alpha 1                                   BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Ded Type      Contains the deduction type. System       PR139   PR140
                       created arrears deductions G              PR189   PR195
                       (Garnishment) and W (Withholding) cannot  PR39.1  PR39.2
                       be maintained by PR39.1 (One Time         PR539   PR80.1
                       Deduction). PR999 (Payroll Year End       PR80.3  PR89.1
                       Close) deletes system- created
                       Withholding type records.
                       G = Garnishment
                       T = Tax

OTD-DED-PRIORITY       Numeric 1                                 BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Ded Priority  Contains the deduction priority. The      PR139   PR140
                       value in the Ded Priority field in the    PR189   PR195
                       Deduction file defaults to this file for  PR39.1  PR39.2
                       arrears deductions and one-time           PR539   PR80.1
                       deductions that have not been overridden  PR80.3  PR89.1
                       in PR39.1 (One Time Deduction). The
                       system uses the value in this field to
                       determine the order in which one-time
                       deductions are taken.

OTD-RECORD-TYPE        Alpha 1                                   BN66.1  PR139
Element: Record Type   Contains the record type created by       PR140   PR189
                       PR140 (Earnings and Deductions            PR195   PR197
                       Calculation).                             PR539   PR80.1
                                                                 PR80.3  PR89.1
                       PR140 changes type S (System) records
                       to T (Taken) if the deduction is created
                       and taken by PR140 in the same run.

                       PR199 (Payroll Close) sets system
                       created records to A (Arrears).
                       A = Payment Arrears
                       S = System Temporary
                       T = Temp Taken
                       N = No Payment Arrears
                       M = Manual Selected Blank
                       X = Manual Selected Arrears
                       Z = Manual Selected No Pmt Arrears
                       " " = User Entered (Blank)

OTD-STATUS             Numeric 1                                 BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Status        Contains the status of the one-time       PR137   PR139
                       deduction. A Future status record cannot  PR140   PR189
                       be taken by PR140 (Earnings and           PR195   PR197
                       Deductions Calculation) until it is       PR36.1  PR38.1
                       changed to Current status by PR38.1       PR39.1  PR39.2
                       (Time Card Selection). A Current status   PR45.1  PR539
                       record is taken in the next PR140 run.    PR80.1  PR80.3
                       If a Processed record is changed, the     PR89.1
                       run flag is set to spaces and the
                       employee's time records are set to Error
                       status. This forces you to rerun PR140.
                       1 = Future
                       2 = Current
                       4 = Processed

OTD-CHECK-GRP          Alpha 1                                   BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Check Grp     Contains the check group with which the   PR139   PR140
                       deduction is associated. PR140 (Earnings  PR189   PR195
                       and Deductions Calculation) uses the      PR39.1  PR39.2
                       value in this field to determine if the   PR539   PR80.1
                       one-time deduction is included in the     PR80.3  PR89.1

OTD-CHECK-DESC         Alpha 8  (Lower Case)                     BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Check Desc    Contains the payment description          PR139   PR140
                       defined in PR39.1 (One Time Deduction)    PR189   PR195
                       that overrides the payment description    PR39.1  PR39.2
                       defined for the deduction.                PR539   PR80.1
                                                                 PR80.3  PR89.1
                       For one-time arrears and one-time
                       deductions with no override payment
                       description, the system uses the
                       description in the Payment Description
                       field in the Deduction file.

OTD-CURRENCY-CODE      Alpha 5                                   BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Currency Code This field contains the company base      PR140   PR189
                       currency code established in Company      PR195   PR39.1
                       (GL10.1 ).                                PR39.2  PR539
                                                                 PR80.1  PR80.3

OTD-CURR-ND            Numeric 1                                 BN66.1  ETI1.1
Element: Acct Nd       The number of decimals assigned to a      PR140   PR189
                       particular account as determined by the   PR195   PR39.1
                       account currency.                         PR39.2  PR539
                                                                 PR80.1  PR80.3

OTD-BEN-PLAN-TYPE      Alpha 2                                   ETI1.1  PR39.1
Element: Ben Plan Type                                           PR539   PR80.3

OTD-BEN-PLAN-CODE      Alpha 4                                   ETI1.1  PR39.1
Element: Ben Plan Code                                           PR539   PR80.3

OTD-BEN-START-DATE     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     ETI1.1  PR39.1
Element: Ben Start Date                                          PR539   PR80.3

OTD-CHECK-ID           Numeric 12                                BN66.1  PR139
Element: Check Id      Contains the payment identification       PR140   PR189
                       number (unique payment identifier used    PR195   PR80.1
                       in tracking payment information).         PR89.1

OTD-CREATE-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN66.1  PR139
Element: Date Stamp    This field contains the server date       PR140   PR189
                       (month, date, and year) of the last       PR195   PR39.1
                       change to this record.                    PR39.2  PR539
                                                                 PR80.1  PR80.3

OTD-CREATE-TIME        Numeric 6  (hhmmss)                       BN66.1  PR139
Element: Time Stamp    Contains the server time (hour, minute,   PR140   PR189
                       and second) when the record was last      PR195   PR39.1
                       changed.                                  PR39.2  PR539
                                                                 PR80.1  PR80.3

OTD-CREATE-USER-ID     Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                    BN66.1  PR139
Element: User Id       Contains the user ID of the person who    PR140   PR189
                       last changed this record.                 PR195   PR39.1
                                                                 PR39.2  PR539
                                                                 PR80.1  PR80.3

OTD-DATE-STAMP         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN305   BN66.1
Element: Date Stamp    This field contains the server date       HR11.1  HR11.2
                       (month, date, and year) of the last       HR511   PA02.1
                       change to this record.                    PA100   PA102
                                                                 PA115   PA13.1
                                                                 PA13.2  PA502
                                                                 PA513   PA52.1
                                                                 PA52.3  PA52.4
                                                                 PA52.5  PR110
                                                                 PR113   PR120
                                                                 PR13.1  PR13.5
                                                                 PR13.6  PR13.8
                                                                 PR137   PR139
                                                                 PR140   PR189
                                                                 PR195   PR197
                                                                 PR36.1  PR38.1
                                                                 PR39.1  PR39.2
                                                                 PR45.1  PR539
                                                                 PR80.1  PR80.3

OTD-TIME-STAMP         Numeric 6  (hhmmss)                       BN305   BN66.1
Element: Time Stamp    Contains the server time (hour, minute,   HR11.1  HR11.2
                       and second) when the record was last      HR511   PA02.1
                       changed.                                  PA100   PA102
                                                                 PA115   PA13.1
                                                                 PA13.2  PA502
                                                                 PA513   PA52.1
                                                                 PA52.3  PA52.4
                                                                 PA52.5  PR110
                                                                 PR113   PR120
                                                                 PR13.1  PR13.5
                                                                 PR13.6  PR13.8
                                                                 PR137   PR139
                                                                 PR140   PR189
                                                                 PR195   PR197
                                                                 PR36.1  PR38.1
                                                                 PR39.1  PR39.2
                                                                 PR45.1  PR539
                                                                 PR80.1  PR80.3

OTD-USER-ID            Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                    BN305   BN66.1
Element: User Id       Contains the user ID of the person who    HR11.1  HR11.2
                       last changed this record.                 HR511   PA02.1
                                                                 PA100   PA102
                                                                 PA115   PA13.1
                                                                 PA13.2  PA502
                                                                 PA513   PA52.1
                                                                 PA52.3  PA52.4
                                                                 PA52.5  PR110
                                                                 PR113   PR120
                                                                 PR13.1  PR13.5
                                                                 PR13.6  PR13.8
                                                                 PR137   PR139
                                                                 PR140   PR189
                                                                 PR195   PR197
                                                                 PR36.1  PR38.1
                                                                 PR39.1  PR39.2
                                                                 PR45.1  PR539
                                                                 PR80.1  PR80.3

                         ONETMDED FILE INDEX


OTDSET1   COMPANY                                                BN100   BN101
          EMPLOYEE                                               BN102   BN103
          DED-CODE                                               BN104   BN105
          EDM-SEQ-NBR                                            BN145   BN150
          SEQ-NBR                                                BN245   BN305
                                                                 BN31.1  BN31.2
                                                                 BN32.1  BN32.2
                                                                 BN32.3  BN45.1
                                                                 BN531   BN65.1
                                                                 BN66.1  BN71.1
                                                                 BN72.1  BS13.1
                                                                 BS14.1  BS15.1
                                                                 BS32.1  ET530
                                                                 ETI1.1  ETI2.1
                                                                 HR11.1  HR11.2

OTDSET2   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset                        PR38.1
          EMPLOYEE      Where STATUS = 1

OTDSET3   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset                        BN66.1  PR140
          EMPLOYEE      Where STATUS = 2                         PR189   PR195
          EFFECT-DATE                                            PR80.1  PR89.1

OTDSET4   COMPANY       KeyChange                                PR239   PR999

                         ONETMDED FILE RELATIONS



Company        PRSYSTEM     Required

                            OTD-COMPANY          -> PRS-COMPANY
                            Spaces               -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Deduction Code DEDCODE      Required

                            OTD-COMPANY          -> DDC-COMPANY
                            OTD-DED-CODE         -> DDC-DED-CODE

Employee       EMPLOYEE     Required

                            OTD-COMPANY          -> EMP-COMPANY
                            OTD-EMPLOYEE         -> EMP-EMPLOYEE

Process Level  PRSYSTEM     Required
                            When OTD-PROCESS-LEVEL != Spaces

                            OTD-COMPANY          -> PRS-COMPANY
                            OTD-PROCESS-LEVEL    -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL