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Bev Edwards
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I am currently supporting a hospital whose buyer staff manage PO's beginning with PO23.

It was always my understanding that PO100 runs to pull the reqs into PO23. If parms are set to not auto release, the buyer would go to PO23, inspect and release from there to PO20.

They filtered their orders by the requesting location but nothing came up in PO23.

A day later, they filtered and they were able to pull them up in PO23 when they filtered the order by the requisition number.

They are telling me they do not run the PO100 and I do not have access to their recdef schedule.

Is there any other process in Lawson that would put POs into PO23, besides the PO100??

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Hi Bev - It's my understanding that once a req gets to the "Processed" status, it's available in PO23. I believe PO100 pulls the reqs/IC140 lines out of PO23 to create the PO's. We use PO100 to create the PO's but there are times that our buyers need to "force" a req through to a PO and they do that through PO23.
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Jordan is correct, PO100 pulls lines from PO23 (POINTERFAC table) into PO20. If they're not using an approval process the req lines should be available in PO23 almost immediately.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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Is it possible that the dates on the Reqs are for the next day rather than the current day? That may explain why they are showing up the next day. Normally the requisition defaults to the current date unless the person changes it.
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The delivery dates could be a week out and the lines would still be in PO23. We set all nonstocks on the pars with a lead time of 5 days and the lines show up immediately. Are buyers assigned to the req locs? I'm wondering if the req loc for the req they were filtering on has a different buyer and they had the buyer filter on at the same time. Then the next day the buyer filter wasn't used.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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anyone had an issue where the vendor isn't attached to a catalogued item in PO23? We went through po13 and po25 they are both attached to same item and vendor. It is not pulling the vendor with it so it is getting hung up on po23 with no vendor..
Kat V
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Yes - the part number sometimes disappears on lines - typically 1 of the following scenarios: 1. Timing: User created req while item was tied to vendor or part number A and while it was getting approved, we changed part number or vendor. 2. PO25.6 is unreleased 3. AP10 or AP10.2 are Inactive or D (Inactive for PO Add) 4. IC12.2 is populated with something weird But they should be exceptions.
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Lawson V10 - Q: Has any one encountered the following message on PO23 - "manufacturer info already exists vendor item" ? We select in FC -"S" and add the vendor Purchase From and select Add, it creates a PO # but does not carry over the items to PO20. Can you outline the step taken to get the items to carry over to PO2o when the PO# is created ? Confirmed vendor is active AP10, item is active and setup correctly in PO13 and IC12
Kat V
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It seems to think you are populating Manufacturer info on PO23 instead of letting it default. The step you outlined are correct, fill out vendor and purch from, FC S for select and Add to get new PO or Change to add to existing. If you aren't messing with the manufacturer information, I'd report it as an issue to Infor.