10X Conversion

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Michelle Wetzel
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We now join the ranks of those who have made the jump to 10.  Day 2....its been a rough cutover. 


Had a couple of questions that I hope those who have gone before us can answer.

1. We have the buyers setup on PO04 to not be able to change the PO price. Instead they are to change the agreement price and then clear out the price on PO20 and it will feed in from the agreement on a Change. As of go live, the system is allowing them to change the price manually.  Happen to anyone else?

2. We discovered some broken data (the buyers of course are convinced the system changed the data somehow).  PO13.3's default vendor item is not necessarily the same as PO25.6's vendor item.  In many cases, the default item is on hold on PO25.6.  No idea how long this has been going on as Lawson 9 was able to handle it just fine.  Our first replenishment ordered several vendor items that we had already switched away from and now we have return/restock issues.  I'm working on getting my hands (and head) around the problem.  Just wondering if anyone else has stumbled over this?

And just a comment that might help someone else.... 

MSCM PO Receipt printing failed. It turned out to be a permissions issue in the arrival folder but it took 5 hours to find the issue and get it fixed.  (and I have a stellar IT team....).

Michelle who-is-hoping-to-breathe-again-sometime Wetzel

Kat V
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1. My buyers were always allowed to change cost. 2. Yes, but mine happened in 9.0 -- (1) Ran query to find all PO25.6 not on hold and pulled in PO13.3 info including Default flag. Filtered for all the not on hold but Default flag wasn't 1. These were all the things to fix -- (2) Tried to be simple and load the default PO13.3 part number to PO25.6 VENITEM with FC C (Change) uploaded as Change Only. A lovely chunk of the THINGS TO FIX went away this way. -- (2a) Then tried to upload to PO13.3 to the non-default one as a D to delete -- mixed results -- (3) ended up playing a shell game on PO13.3 to fix the remaining. MSCM PO Receipts "sometimes" do not print - Thanks!